
Saturday, October 12, 2019

📺MUST SEE: How American CEOs Got So Rich

📺WATCH: Brevity is the soul of wit... and in this case -- wisdom as well... this just might be the most eye-opening 10 minutes you spend looking at your screen today... a very brief -- but extremely thorough, well-done breakdown of the financial situation...

For a long time, it was off-limits for a corporation to buy back its own stock.

Not anymore.

American companies today spend billions on stock buybacks. So what does that mean for the US economy? And how did it help make American CEOs so unbelievably rich?

To learn more about stock buybacks & General Motors, check out the following sources:

William Lazonick, Harvard Business Review: Profits Without Prosperity

Emily Stewart, Vox: Walmart is paying $20 billion to shareholders. With that money, it could boost hourly wages to over $15

Stephen Mihm, Bloomberg: How Stock Buybacks Ambled Into Stardom

Irina Ivanova, CBS: GM bought back $10 billion in stock since 2015, double what job cuts will save

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