
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

ISRAEL: Scientists warn too many COVID shots could harm body's ability to fight virus


Israel Considers 4th Vaccine Dose, but Some Experts Say It’s Premature

Isabel Kershner | THE NEW YORK TIMES

JERUSALEM — Israel is considering whether to approve a fourth Covid-19 vaccine dose for vulnerable people to contain the fast-spreading Omicron variant, despite debate among scientists and a lack of evidence either for or against another booster.

RICHARD DAVIS and ROLAND HANNA • A Child Is Born • 1969



Monday, December 27, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

THE ST. LUKE YOUTH CHOIR • God's Tomorrow (Full LP) • 1978


🕊️This album used to be broken up into individual tracks on YouTube, but they were all taken down some time ago. However, it truly is such an amazing recording that I felt it was worth posting the entire thing! Bless you all on today - and EVERYDAY! 🕊️

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Let's take a closer look at JAPAN'S SUPERIOR VACCINE ETHICS, shall we?


Unbelievable the EXTREME 180 degree contrast with the US & EU behavior!

Why is it that the people in these countries can't be as sensible and ethical?

But...COVID!!! CDC data shows Fentanyl overdoses now leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45


WASHINGTON — The number one killer of Americans aged 18 to 45 is now fentanyl overdoses, with nearly 79,000 people in the age range dying to them between 2020 and 2021, according to newly released data.

📺MUST SEE: Why So Many Teachers Are Leaving This Year - A Teacher's Rant


Exactly as planned? But when they're ALL gone... what? Will we just hand them over and let Babylon's government metaverse teach the children?

Saturday, December 18, 2021

GREEDY TAXIFORNIA shoots itself in the foot YET AGAIN! California pot companies warn of impending industry collapse



LOS ANGELES (AP) — Leading California cannabis companies warned Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday that the state’s legal industry was on the verge of collapse and needed immediate tax cuts and a rapid expansion of retail outlets to steady the shaky marketplace.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

📺 Watch⚡FLASHBACK • DR. FAUCI in Spring 2020 on how the COVID-19 vaccines could possibly BACKFIRE: "This would NOT be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that LOOKED good in INITIAL safety actually made people WORSE."


☝️ABOVE: March 2020 Interview with MARK ZUCKERBERG

ALSO: Fauci tells Congress: ‘There’s no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective'

MAY 12 2020 | Lauren Feiner & Berkeley Lovelace Jr. | CNBC


• Even once a vaccine to fight the coronavirus is developed, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told Congress Tuesday, “There’s no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective.”

• Fauci testified in front of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions about the road to reopening businesses in the U.S.

• He also warned there’s a potential for a vaccine to make the course of the disease even stronger.

Monday, December 13, 2021



Another Study Finds That Natural Immunity Protects Better Against Infection Than Pfizer Vaccine


At the end of August, a study was published showing that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection than the Pfizer vaccine. It was described by UCL’s Francois Balloux as “a bit of a bombshell”.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

📺MUST SEE: Inside MAKOKO • Nigeria's Biggest Slum (BEYOND crazy...)


Whatever troubles we may even rightly complain about, let us pray we don't also forget to be grateful to God for whatever blessings we have in this fleeting life.

Monday, December 6, 2021

PROTESTS, RIOTS and VIOLENCE over VAX MANDATES in MARTINIQUE and GUADELOUPE: Obviously a bunch of far-right, science-denying, racist-ass Trump supporters... right?


France postpones vaccine mandate after violent unrest in Martinique and Guadeloupe


France has postponed implementing a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for health workers in Martinique and Guadeloupe after the measure spurred widespread protests on the French territories in which police officers were injured and journalists attacked.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition



Science denier!!” A snarky phrase I am sure most of you have heard many times. In the beginning of this Covid debacle, when there was clearly only “one science” approved and presented by the media, it took a bit of digging to find other scientific hypotheses.

Now it is not so difficult to see clearly that there is a deeper, more robust, science that is contradicting the mainstream.

But still we hear the mantra “follow the science!” “you are a moronic denier of science!” and as Fauci so famously put it, “if you are against me, you are against science!”

So what, then, is science?