
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

CORONAVIRUS: Are health passports morally right?

Some countries are planning to create health passports for citizens. These immunity passports will certify if a person is at risk of contracting the coronavirus or not. Is this move morally right? WION's Palki Sharma gets you a report.

Chinese Woman: The Health Barcode System Benefits the Government, Not Us

Chinese authorities have instigated health barcodes that use three different colors to identify a person’s health risk level. Red indicates a person who is confirmed or suspected to be infected with the CCP virus. Yellow indicates a person who has come into contact with a confirmed or suspected patient. Green indicates a person who has never been infected and has no contact history with potential virus carriers.

Many people who are holding the green barcode feel happy about this identification system, thinking it is equivalent to a certificate of health. However, a Chinese woman realized that this system makes civilians more vulnerable to China’s inhumane epidemic control measures.