
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

📺WATCH: Dr Sarah Itam explores why the Japanese live longer than anyone and have one of the lowest COVID death rates on earth


With the least amount of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer... And at the time of this writing, only 2,581 Coronavirus deaths in a population of 126 million!

Suicide claimed more Japanese lives in October than 10 months of COVID

RICE, whether brown or white, is a major part of most Asian diets, often eaten with nearly every meal. That adds up to an average of 175-300 pounds per person each year, according to the Asia Rice Foundation. Americans eat much less rice, about 20-30 pounds per person each year. Europeans eat even less rice, little more than six pounds per person each year.

Rice is the second most consumed grain in the world. It’s a staple that has kept people healthy for centuries, is gluten-free and has a low allergy potential. Unlike other grains, it is alkalizing instead of acid producing. 

The language of a culture provides clues to important concepts and values. This is true in the Japanese culture. The primacy of rice as a diet staple is echoed in the Japanese language. "Gohan" is both the word for "cooked rice" as well as "meal." This is also true in other Asian cultures where rice is the main dietary staple. The use of gohan in Japanese is extended with prefixes to give us asagohan (breakfast), hirugohan (lunch), and bangohan (dinner). These multiple terms signal that it was almost impossible for most Japanese to think of a meal without rice.

Japan has become the modern land of health and longevity. For decades now, The World Health Organization data has shown the Japanese live the longest and have the most years of disease-free living, compared to any other human population. 

Among 191 countries, the Japanese always toggles between 1st & 2nd place and can expect to live 85 years in full health. By comparison, the US ranks 46th at 79 years of healthy living. 

Comparisons between dietary intakes are quite revealing as to why this is so...

[World Health Organization]

Dietary comparisons

Japan USA

Avg daily food calorie supply (kcal per person) 2898 3624

Calories from meat 160 428

Calories from milk 112 373

Calories from seafood 194 29

Calories from sweeteners 286 640

Annual per capita egg consumption 320 255

Annual per capita consumption of milk (kg fluid) 40 98

Annual per capita consumption of cheese (kg) 1.7 12.8

Annual per capita rice consumption, avg. per person 175 lbs 23 lbs


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