
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Are THESE the REAL reasons Bill and Melinda Gates have chosen RIGHT NOW to get divorced?


Consider carefully: The following story (with no mention of the Gates' whatsoever) was also on CNBC business news the very same day the story broke about their divorce.

Not surprisingly, NONE of the mainstream media outlets - left OR right - made any mention of it in connection with the couple splitting, instead preferring to let the masses be distracted with all manner of speculation and conspiracies, which - whether some are true or not - are still not likely the MAIN reasons the FOURTH RICHEST couple on earth just up and decided RIGHT NOW was (supposedly) the 'right time' to end their marriage.

Some couples may face a ‘marriage penalty’ under Biden’s tax plan

Kate Dore | CNBC

May 3, 2021


• President Joe Biden is proposing higher taxes on the top 1% to help pay for the $1.8 trillion American Families Plan.

• But the “marriage penalty” may hit couples earning more than $500,000.

• Financial experts say tax planning strategies may lessen the sting.

The wealthiest Americans may soon face a slew of tax hikes.

President Joe Biden wants to raise taxes on single filers likely with income over $452,700 and couples earning more than $509,300.

But the plan may wind up penalizing some higher-earning married couples.

The marriage penalty

“It’s not the first time we’ve seen a marriage penalty,” said Sabina Smailhodzic Lewis, certified financial planner and co-owner at Avant-Garde Wealth in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

The so-called “marriage penalty” happens when couples pay more taxes together than individually. Couples earning similar incomes are more likely to be affected, according to the Tax Policy Center.   

“There’s a certain level that our government officials think is enough income per person or household,” Smailhodzic Lewis said.

Currently, the tax code separates single and married filers, with a top rate of 37% for individuals earning over $523,600 and couples making more than $628,300.

Biden wants to increase the highest tax rate to 39.6%, impacting the “top 1%,” according to the White House plan outlined Wednesday.

The proposal may still affect individuals making less than $400,000, however.

For example, let’s say each person makes $260,000. Under Biden’s plan, those couples may pay higher taxes filing together than on their own.

The measure would apply to fewer than 1% of families, the latest filing data from the IRS shows. But impacted couples may get a surprise at tax time, financial experts say.

“This creates a need for very specific analysis for married couples,” said Alvina Lo, New York-based chief wealth strategist at Wilmington Trust. 

Tax planning strategies

Luckily, financial experts say there’s time to prepare for any impending tax changes.

If the law doesn’t kick in until 2022, Smailhodzic Lewis said to watch the timing of year-end or first-quarter income. Self-employed filers may try to accelerate 2022 income into late 2021 before the measure goes into effect.

Couples over the threshold may also explore filing taxes separately.

“The way the numbers shake out, because of the way our tax system works, you can definitely get into situations where you are better off if you are single,” said Lo.

Those impacted may need to prioritize deductions, she said.

Couples may consider tax-deferred accounts like a 401(k) or individual retirement account to reduce income. Those itemizing tax deductions may also consider charitable gifts.

“Any deductions that you can take are going to be a lot more important,” she said. 

As we can see from the above article, the first reason Bill and Melinda Gates most likely chose RIGHT NOW to get divorced is simply PRACTICAL: Though they always SAY they do in media interviews, the left-wing (so-called) 'philathropist' ELITE don't really want to pay their 'fair share' of the coming top-tier taxes any more than the right-wing 'f-(orget) the poor' ELITE do!

RELATED: Bill Gates preaches the aid gospel, but is he just a hypocrite?

Again - always keeping in mind - LEFT or RIGHT, it matters not with the self appointed elite - they're BOTH like selfish, greedy pirates (not so) secretly in cahoots with one another, playing the same old 'divide and rule' dialectic to protect their wealth and influence whilst continuing to advance their centuries long agenda. 

READ MORE: On Being Aware Of How PROBLEM • REACTION • SOLUTION Operates In This Evil World

So obviously, if the media were to focus on THIS as even a possible - let alone primary reason - for these two getting a divorce at this time... it would be a VERY BAD 'look' as 'they' say. Their programme clearly is: feed people vaguery and nonsense - and let them assume what they will with it as long as not too many notice what it's REALLY about...

Now, along with the above PRACTICAL reasons for protecting their wealth as individuals, let us next consider the other MAIN benefit for the ongoing AGENDA OF THE GLOBAL ELITE and it's "next phase" which comes from Bill & Melinda choosing RIGHT NOW to end their 27 year (financial-business arrangement) 'marriage': both the SUBLIMINAL and even DIABOLICAL manner in which the media and influencers will attempt to manipulate people...

China can't stop talking about the Bill and Melinda Gates divorce


The divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates has sent shockwaves through China, where the Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder has achieved a level of fame unlike almost any other Western entrepreneur.

The "Bill Gates' divorce" hashtag had generated more than 830 million views and 66,000 discussion posts on China's Twitter-like platform Weibo by Wednesday — far surpassing the 91 million views accumulated when Amazon (AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos and MacKenzie Scott divorced in 2019.

Weibo users fretted about everything, from how the couple would divide their massive fortune to whether the divorce would affect Microsoft or their charitable foundation. Through their philanthropic organization, the pair have spent $53.8 billion on global health, poverty alleviation and other initiatives. Bill Gates is worth about $146 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, and the couple has pledged to give the vast majority of their wealth away to charity.

RELATED: The Gateses' Public Split Spotlights a Secretive Fortune

"You and Melinda have made huge contributions to people around the world. Even if you don't hold hands together in future life, I hope your foundation can still continue and help more people," one Weibo user wrote, responding to a post on Bill Gates' official Weibo account that announced the divorce in Chinese.

While Bill Gates no longer runs Microsoft, the company has spent decades building goodwill with Beijing. Its products have a considerable presence in China, even as other Western tech companies have been locked out.

While Facebook (FB) is blocked, for example, Microsoft's LinkedIn remains one of the few Western social media tools available in the mainland. The Bing search engine is also operational, while Google has been cut out for years.

And the success of the business has likely contributed to Bill Gates' personal draw: He now has more than 4.1 million followers on Weibo, outnumbering Tesla CEO Elon Musk's 1.7 million and Apple chief Tim Cook's 1.4 million.

Even prominent tech figures in China joined the conversation on Weibo: Kai-fu Lee — the former head of Google (GOOGL) China, who helped establish Microsoft Research Lab Asia, a hugely influential network in China — said it was hard for him to believe the news.

Based in Beijing, Microsoft Research Lab Asia has cultivated many Chinese tech talents, including Bytedance founder Zhang Yiming, Alibaba (BABA) tech chief Wang Jian and former Baidu (BIDU) president Zhang Yaqin.

Bill and Melinda are "the most affectionate couple I've seen among celebrity entrepreneurs," Lee wrote in a Weibo post.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation set up its Beijing office in 2007 and has since then worked with the Chinese government on several domestic projects in the country, ranging from HIV intervention to poverty reduction.

Bill Gates himself has visited China more than a dozen times since the 1990s and cultivated friendly relations with top leaders. He was welcomed by former Chinese President Jiang Zemin in March 1994, right before China officially gained access to the Internet.

RELATED: Guanxi (The Art of Relationships): Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates's Plan to Win the Road Ahead

At that time, China was eager to open up its economy and catch up with the West in technology. The trip — during which Gates promised Jiang that Microsoft would help China develop its software industry — helped Microsoft accelerate its expansion in the Chinese market.

In 2006, Gates hosted former Chinese President Hu Jintao for dinner at his home in the Washington state.

And last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping wrote to Gates to thank him for his support in fighting Covid-19.

Gates was even hailed as "the Chinese people's old friend" by the ruling Chinese Communist Party in 2018, a title that the Party occasionally uses for foreigners it recognizes as having a deep friendship with.

Meanwhile, on social media, some distraught Chinese users even remarked that the divorce had shaken their beliefs about marriage. The couple had been married for 27 years. 

"Even you are divorced," one person wrote, responding to Bill Gates on Weibo. "How can the rest of us have hope of entering a marriage?"

The above article from CNN published in the days that followed is extremely revealing if one has eyes to see and knows how to read between the lines, so to speak. 

First, more obviously in regards to a number of aspects about the EXTREMELY cozy career-long relationship between Gates and the CCP and how he has gained a very large and IDOLATROUS 'rock star' type of influence in the country -- but also -- let us not fail to note most in particular, the way the article ends - again: by very subtly reinforcing a SUBLIMINAL and even DIABOLICAL SOUL and MIND CONTROL AGENDA which has as one of its principal goals -- to destroy FAITH, MARRIAGE and FAMILY as practiced by most people now considered 'traditional' etc. in their values. 

This is being covertly perpetrated by those who seek their radical 'new SATANIC order' - which has for some time been manipulating the ENTIRE WORLD through various forms of COMMUNIST ideology as one of its main weapons being employed to seduce and posess as many as will allow it to do so.

For those who are still blind to this agenda and unfamiliar with relevant literature, one can find much more in scholarly books published and articles on the internet such as those which follow here:

Communism’s Aim to Abolish the Traditional Family


The family is the building block of human society, allowing people not only to raise children in a stable and nurturing environment, but also to pass the knowledge of one generation to the next. Marriage is a sacred institution arranged by the divine for humanity to form families, preserving traditional heritage and morality.

Today, the traditional family is being slowly destroyed. The writings of Karl Marx and other communists describe the family as a form of private ownership to be abolished. In addition to persecuting religion and spiritual faith, communist regimes place love for the Communist Party above love for even one’s own parents, spouse, or children, encouraging people to struggle against their own kin.

Since the 1960s, a variety of anti-traditional movements, including modern feminism, “sexual liberation,” and gay rights, have risen to prominence in the West. The institution of the family has been hit the hardest. Under the banners of equality and emancipation — implicitly and explicitly backed by modern laws, school curricula, academic theory, and economic policies — these movements are twisting the traditional bonds between the sexes, corrupting children, and dragging human behavior to previously unimaginable lows. This trend, which surfaced at the beginning of the nineteenth century, is deeply infused with communist ideological factors. Friedrich Engels ultimately hoped for widespread “unconstrained sexual intercourse,” with the aim of dissolving traditional marriage and ultimately eliminating the family institution.

Communism excels at continuous mutation and deception, which has led to constant confusion about what exactly people are supporting when they endorse its policies and ideologies. Over time, they come to accept communism’s underlying ideas. The tragic situation today — the degradation of the traditional family and people’s confusion about the true nature of this trend — is the result of meticulous planning and the gradual implementation of communism over the past two hundred years.

Laws passed in the United States and other countries have opened the floodgates to divorce and broken families. In the 1950s, about 11 percent of American children born in a married family saw their parents divorce; by 1970, that number had soared to 50 percent. In 1956, less than 5 percent of newborn infants in the United States were born out of wedlock, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By 2016, the figure was close to 40 percent.

In traditional societies in both the East and the West, chastity in relations between men and women was considered a virtue. Today, it’s thought to be outmoded and oppressive. Premarital sex and homosexuality, which were regarded as shameful and aberrant for thousands of years in traditional societies, are not only increasingly normalized, but are sometimes explicitly promoted by today’s educators and the public school system. Children are being hypersexualized and exposed to deviant sexual concepts and pornography at ever earlier ages. As things stand, communism’s goal to destroy the family will become reality long before it fulfills its elusive promise of a classless society. The destruction of the family, a basic unit of social stability, also means the destruction of traditional morality established by the divine and of the role the family plays in nurturing the next generation within a framework of traditional culture. [READ MORE...]

How Communism Destroys Families in the West


In the early 1960s, relatively few children were born out of wedlock. At the time, it was taken for granted that children grew up knowing their biological fathers.

Just half a century later, unwed mothers accounted for more than a third of births. From 1965 to 2012, the number of single-parent families in America shot up from 3.3 million to 13.2 million. Though some fathers stayed involved, through cohabitation or later marriage, the majority of children born to these single mothers grew up without their fathers.

Fathers serve as role models to their sons, teaching them how to be men, and show their daughters what it feels like to be respected in the way women deserve. Children suffer greatly from the absence of a father; research shows that those who grow up without fathers often suffer from low self-esteem. They are more likely to drop out of school, abuse drugs, join gangs, commit crimes, and commit suicide. The majority of jailed youths come from fatherless homes. Early sexual experience, teen pregnancy, and promiscuity are also common. People who grow up without their fathers are 40 times more likely to commit sexual offenses compared with the rest of the population.

The Brookings Institution offers three key pieces of advice for young people looking to escape poverty: graduate from high school, get a full-time job, and wait until age twenty-one to marry and have children. According to statistics, only 2 percent of Americans who meet these conditions live in poverty, and 75 percent are considered middle class. In other words, that is the most reliable path toward becoming a responsible adult living a healthy, productive life.

Most single mothers rely on government aid. A report published by The Heritage Foundation used detailed statistical data to show that the welfare policy so strongly advocated by feminists actually encourages the creation of single-mother households, even to the point of penalizing couples who marry, as they are eligible for fewer benefits. In many cases, the government has effectively replaced the father with welfare.

Welfare policies have not helped families living in poverty. Instead, they have simply supported an ever-increasing number of single-parent families. With the children of such households themselves prone to poverty, the result is a vicious cycle of expanding reliance on state aid.

This is exactly what communism aims to achieve: control over every aspect of the individual’s life.

In 2000, 55 percent of Americans between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-four were married, and 34 percent had never been married. By 2015, these figures had flipped, with 40 percent married and 53 percent never married. Researchers studying this trend at the University of Texas–Austin found that young people in the United States were avoiding marriage because, in today’s culture, sex has been largely separated from marriage.

In this degenerate environment, the trend is toward casual, no-strings-attached hookups, in which sex has nothing to do with affection, let alone commitment and responsibility. Even more absurd is the profusion of new sexual orientations, which are now thrown around like fashion statements. Facebook’s user-profile options in the United Kingdom, for example, at one point included more than seventy different genders. If young people can’t even tell whether they are male or female, how will they view marriage? 

Communism has used the law and society to completely rework these divinely given concepts. [READ MORE...]


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