
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ready For This? LEAKED data reveals OVER HALF of current UK 'Covid hospitalisations' tested positive AFTER admission


In light of this, how can one not also question the veracity of other EU countries and the U.S. numbers now as well?

Laura Donnelly | THE TELEGRAPH

More than half of Covid hospitalisations are patients who only tested positive after admission, leaked data reveal.

The figures suggest vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing.

Experts said it meant the national statistics, published daily on the government website and frequently referred to by ministers, may far overstate the levels of pressures on the NHS.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

💥POP QUIZ! Do YOU REALLY KNOW what the GRAND TOTAL being reported right now ​is when you Google the words "CHINA OFFICIAL CORONAVIRUS DEATH COUNT"?!?🤔


OK, so the fact that THIS FACT is NOT considered a MAJOR INTERNATIONAL SCANDAL and ALL major media outlets (left/right/whatever) ARE NOT pounding the CCP with OUTRAGE on a daily basis for this MORALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY INSULTING ATTEMPT TO GASLIGHT THE WORLD until they reveal the TRUE numbers and allow themselves to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for what they have done is ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING and RIDICULOUS! And -- ANYONE who believes ANYTHING else they say is a BRAINWASHED IMBECILE too scared to care or a LYING FASCIST DEVIL profiting grossly from this horrible mess...

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

📺MUST SEE: Victoria's Secret Karen has THE MOST OUTRAGEOUSLY phony tantrum meltdown after trying to assault Black customer but suddenly realizing she's been caught on camera


'I Just Came to Get My Free Panties': The Victoria's Secret Karen, Explained

'Get away from me' trended on social media in response to footage of an irate white shopper chasing a Black woman around the store.

Maiysha Kai | THE ROOT

Can we not even get our panties in peace? Apparently not at the Short Hills Mall in New Jersey, where Ijeoma Ukenta went to cash in her coupon for a free panty at the mall’s Victoria’s Secret store—but ended up in the midst of a viral “Karen” incident, instead.

Taliban calls China a 'friend' of Afghanistan



Friday, July 9, 2021

Quick! Spell ZAILA AVANT-GARDE! The first African American contestant to win National Spelling Bee is now aiming for Harvard, the NBA and NASA


David Williams | CNN

(CNN) Zaila Avant-garde wasn't focused on her place in history on Thursday when she became the first African American to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 93 editions of the competition.

Monday, July 5, 2021

So... exactly what is the REAL cost of doing BIG TECH things like MAKING MICROCHIPS and STORING DATA 'in the cloud'?


Making Chips Requires Lots of Water and, Gulp, Taiwan Has a Drought

Acts of God may play a role in the next installment of the global chip crisis especially with the mainspring of the industry running dry.

By Tim Culpan | BLOOMBERG

Turns out, semiconductor manufacturing doesn’t just require multi-billion dollar factories and a lot of smarts, it also takes water. Gallons and gallons of it for every single chip. Better hope there’s no drought.

Oops, too late.