OK, so the fact that THIS FACT is NOT considered a MAJOR INTERNATIONAL SCANDAL and ALL major media outlets (left/right/whatever) ARE NOT pounding the CCP with OUTRAGE on a daily basis for this MORALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY INSULTING ATTEMPT TO GASLIGHT THE WORLD until they reveal the TRUE numbers and allow themselves to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for what they have done is ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING and RIDICULOUS! And -- ANYONE who believes ANYTHING else they say is a BRAINWASHED IMBECILE too scared to care or a LYING FASCIST DEVIL profiting grossly from this horrible mess...
1.3 BILLION people...
And as of today's date they're only claiming to have:
***4,636 DEATHS TOTAL!?!***
So... do YOU REALLY believe this 🐂💩?!?