After 23 students were arrested in three days, there hasn't been a fight at Southwood High School since mid-September when about 40 'Dads on Duty' began patrolling the school campus
"Dads on Duty" has big ambitions after "CBS Evening News" story goes viral
"This is crazy!" said Michael LaFitte, who started "Dads on Duty." "Nothing is the same … in a good way."
Talk shows are talking about it, more than two dozen school districts around the U.S. are inquiring about how to replicate the success, and celebrities, athletes and politicians are taking note. The group's efforts have rallied everyone — liberals and conservatives alike.
Talk shows are talking about it, more than two dozen school districts around the U.S. are inquiring about how to replicate the success, and celebrities, athletes and politicians are taking note. The group's efforts have rallied everyone — liberals and conservatives alike.
"No matter what side of the political end that you're on, we all have a love for children," LaFitte said. "We all have a love for doing what's right."
With the high school's permission, the group of dads showed up after 23 students were arrested in a rash of fights. The students said there hasn't been another incident since.
"We stopped fighting and people started going to class," one student said.
"You ever heard of 'a look?'" another added, describing the firm stares from the men.
It was the dad looks and the dad jokes that helped turn things around, the men said.
"Nothing is more important than being a father," LaFitte said.
"So just to be here makes a big difference," another dad Tracy Harris added.
"We stopped fighting and people started going to class," one student said.
"You ever heard of 'a look?'" another added, describing the firm stares from the men.
It was the dad looks and the dad jokes that helped turn things around, the men said.
"Nothing is more important than being a father," LaFitte said.
"So just to be here makes a big difference," another dad Tracy Harris added.