
Friday, January 21, 2022

DIRECTOR of COVID RESPONSE AT UCSF: "It feels like CHILDREN have been an afterthought in terms of our Covid policy. The number of kids who committed SUICIDE in 2020 in California was OVER 130. The number of kids who died from COVID during that year was around TEN."


When the 'cure' is worse than the disease... 

DR. JEANNE NOBLE is also Director of COVID response and Professor of Emergency Medicine at University of California San Francisco


Youth suicide attempts soared during pandemic, CDC report says

CDC: Pediatric ER visits skyrocket for injuries and eating disorders during the pandemic

Study Documents Rise in Adolescent Suicide Attempts During Pandemic

As COVID-19 rose, so did teen suicide attempts. Girls are most at risk.

Black children commit suicide at twice the rate of white kids

Black kids and suicide: Why are rates so high, and so ignored?