
Thursday, October 13, 2022

💣MAJOR BOMBSHELL! Must See! PFIZER Executive ADMITS to EU Parliament that the 'vaccine' WAS NOT TESTED BEFOREHAND to find out whether or not it STOPS TRANSMISSION of COVID-19: "Now this turned out to be a cheap lie. This should be exposed. SCANDALOUS...â€đŸ€Ż




In a stunning turn of events, one of Pfizer’s top executives admitted Monday that the Pharma giant had no idea if the mRNA vaccine that Pfizer developed would prevent transmission of the coronavirus.

According to The Blaze, the company’s president of international development markets, Janine Small, testified before the COVID committee of the European Parliament in place of CEO Albert Bourla.

There was no word if Bourla missed the event after testing positive for COVID yet again, despite his previous claims that his company’s vaccine was 100% effective.

One Dutch member of the European Parliamen asked Small if she could provide evidence that Pfizer believed its vaccine would prevent transmission before it was released widely in late 2020.

As quoted by The Blaze, the member of parliament specifically asked, “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?”

That’s when the executive admitted, on the record, that the vaccine mandates and passports imposed by governments worldwide were entirely unjustified:

“Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No.”

Small continued, saying that the company was moving too quickly to answer that extremely important question:

“These, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.”

The Dutch politician summarized how governments claimed that getting vaccinated was a societal good that helped others, not just yourself:

“If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re anti-social! This is what the Dutch prime minister and health minister told us. You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself, but also for others — you do it for all of society. That’s what they said,” Roos recounted. “Today, this turns out to be complete nonsense.”

Roos also said he found the revelations “shocking, even criminal.”   

Unjustified Mandates

The revelations are indeed shocking, and yet entirely unsurprising.

Those politicians who relentlessly claimed to “follow the science” were entirely incorrect.

Governments, administrators and bureaucrats listened to credentialed experts, despite their unblemished track record of failure with regards to COVID policy.

Experts were wrong about the effectiveness of mask mandates, they were wrong about the effectiveness of lockdowns and school closures, and they were wrong about the justification for vaccine passports and mandates.

As Pfizer has now admitted, there was no conclusive data on the mRNA vaccine’s ability to prevent viral transmission, just vague hopes.

But regardless, experts such as Dr. Fauci went to the media with their hopes, and his incorrect certainty was presented as infallible evidence.

As such, politicians leapt at the opportunity mandate proof of vaccination to engage in normal life for many major cities across the country.

Mandates Continue Today

Even after multiple years of real world data has confirmed that the vaccines are entirely ineffective at preventing transmission, mandates still persist.

Colleges, businesses and governments continue to enforce vaccination requirements for students, employees or new hires, despite the lack of scientific justification.

A recent examination by the Florida Department of Health even found that mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer’s could have elevated risks for men aged 18-39:

RELATED: Florida’s Surgeon General Posts About Increased Cardiac-Related Deaths After mRNA Vaccination, Immediately Gets Censored by Twitter

Boosters have also proven ineffective at preventing infections, as well as having rapidly waning efficacy.

Yet mandates continue to be enforced for young male college students, without any consideration to the incorrect assumptions or the potentially damaging side effects in specific populations.

The military also mandates vaccination for young recruits, which coincidentally has corresponded to a massive drop in new sign ups.

All of these policies were developed and created under the mistaken assumption that mRNA vaccines would prevent the spread of COVID, making it a necessary societal good.

Yet now we know that the company responsible for making the most popular version of the vaccine never had any idea if it would accomplish that goal.

Government Failure

Nothing better exemplifies the failures of government intervention and COVID policy than basing life-altering decisions on zero scientific data while claiming to be “following science.”

Politicians used vaccine mandates to punish those who dared go against their wishes, and used vaccine passports to coerce holdouts to submit.

All based on nothing.

The “experts” who created the justification for vaccine passports and mandates must b held accountable; their incompetence and hubris has caused countless damage and hurt millions.

Fauci, the CDC, Joe Biden and others made world changing statements in the media and created a popular perception that the “unvaccinated” should be excluded from society.

Many have been fired, or had their lives turned upside down based on their recommendations that had no data or evidence in support.

But based on the lack of accountability regarding the devastating consequences of school closures, it seems incredibly unlikely that any of them ever have to answer for their actions.

Nor will any of the administrators or politicians who listened to them.

Forced compliance with mandates has now become an acceptable part of life, all based on a lie.


Amid scrutiny around Europe's vaccine purchase, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla pulls out of committee hearing

Pfizer did not know whether Covid vaccine stopped transmission before rollout, executive admits: A Pfizer exec has made a frank admission during a parliamentary hearing, with one representative describing it as “shocking, even criminal”

Pfizer Confirms mRNA Vaccine Never Tested for Preventing COVID Transmission

COVID-19 Vaccine Was Not Tested on Stopping Transmission, Pfizer Exec Concedes

Pfizer Exec Admits Vaccines Weren’t Tested For Stopping Transmission Before Hitting Market

Pfizer executive admits that mRNA vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission

‘Scandalous’: Pfizer Exec Tells EU Lawmaker COVID Jab Was Never Tested To Show It Blocked Transmission

‘Cheap Lie’: EU MEP Calls Out Pfizer Exec After She Admits COVID Vaccine Was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission

Pfizer admits during covid hearing that mRNA jabs were NEVER TESTED against transmission

Jimmy Dore: We Were Lied To About Vaccines ADMITS Pfizer!

It's All Falling Apart: As a Pfizer exec admits its vaccine was never tested on preventing transmissions, we ask, what was “get vaccinated to save other people” all about – let alone vaccine passports? 

Pfizer Didn’t Expect THIS To Be EXPOSED

GASLIGHTING: The New Normal propaganda apparatus (i.e., the corporate media, health “experts,” et al.) responded to the [Pfizer/EU Parliament] story predictably. They ignored it, hoping it would just go away. When it didn’t, they rolled out the “fact-checkers” (i.e., gaslighters).

Pfizer representitive's full hearing in the special COVID committee of the European Parliament


Pfizer: COVID-19 shot 95% effective - AP

Pfizer’s Early Data Shows Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective

Covid vaccine: Pfizer says '94% effective in over-65s'

Pfizer says vaccine is 95% effective against COVID-19, no serious side effects

Pfizer vaccine trial ends with 95% success rate -- WORKD ECONOMIC FORUM 

Dr. Fauci says Pfizer's reported 90% vaccine efficacy rate is 'extraordinary'

Pfizer, Moderna vaccines 90 percent effective in study of essential workers - CDC confirms

Pfizer vaccine news 'as good as you could hope for': Scientists, doctors are encouraged by 90% efficacy

Pfizer and BioNTech say final analysis shows coronavirus vaccine is 95% effective with no safety concerns

Pfizer, BioNTech say Covid vaccine is more than 90% effective — ‘great day for science and humanity’

'Great day for humanity': Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine over 90% effective - WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM 

Pfizer Says Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective

Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection

Pfizer Says COVID-19 Vaccine 90% Effective Against Virus

Pfizer/BioNTech says its Covid-19 vaccine is 100% effective and well tolerated in adolescents

Global stock markets surge after Pfizer Covid vaccine news - FTSE 100 jumps as Pfizer and BioNTech report coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective


What do we know about covid vaccines and preventing transmission? BMJ 2022

Study: Vaccinated people can carry as much virus as others

Jabs do not reduce risk of passing Covid within household, study suggests

Pfizer to become $100B behemoth next year thanks to COVID-19 drug and vaccine: analyst


Must See!⚡FLASHBACK: Remember not too long ago when they all promised you taking the vax 'WILL PREVENT INFECTION AND TRANSMISSION' of the virus?

DID YOU KNOW? CDC (quietly) admits fully vaccinated people who get COVID can carry as much virus as the unvaccinated, and could spread it to others just as easily

VETERAN FDA and CDC VAX ADVISOR ADMITS: “Even if 100% of the population were vaccinated and the virus hadn’t evolved at all, vaccines would do very little to stop transmission.”