
Friday, November 25, 2022

SHOCKING! (OR IS IT?) Washington Post reporting VACCINATED people now make up MAJORITY of Covid DEATHS in U.S.


For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, a majority of Americans dying from Covid were at least partially vaccinated, according to the new analysis of federal and state data.   

In a startling revelation, a Washington Post analysis has found that more vaccinated people are now dying of the Covid disease and 58 per cent of coronavirus deaths in August in the US "were people who were vaccinated or boosted".

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

LOST GENERATION? As technology dumbs them down and becomes a false god, ALARMING studies reveal atheism has DOUBLED amongst Gen Z -- while 42 PERCENT have been diagnosed with a MENTAL ILLNESS and 57 PERCENT of those are taking PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION for it


Atheism Doubles Among Generation Z

It may come as no surprise that the influence of Christianity in the United States is waning. Rates of church attendance, religious affiliation, belief in God, prayer and Bible-reading have been dropping for decades. Americans’ beliefs are becoming more post-Christian and, concurrently, religious identity is changing. Enter Generation Z: Born between 1999 and 2015, they are the first truly “post-Christian” generation.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

TWINKIE CLARK • Power • 1981


🕊'You say you got the Holy Ghost? You say you got the Holy Ghost... IF you got THAT Power, where is it? IF you got THAT Power, why not use it?'🕊

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Monday, November 7, 2022

DIRTY DOUBLE-STANDARDS: While KYRIE IRVING gets a boot in the ass, ALIBABA and AMAZON OLIGARCHS get a major pass

Kyrie Irving apologized. When will Joe Tsai?


Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving has apologized for his antisemitic episode. But Brooklyn Nets owner Joe Tsai remains an unrepentant Chinese Communist Party supporter and no one seems to care.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

WHO'S RIGHT HERE? While the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark all have STOPPED RECOMMENDING mRNA vaccines to young people, the U.S. CDC has just UNANIMOUSLY voted to ADD IT to the list of REQUIRED VACCINATIONS for schoolchildren which MOST STATES will likely be compelled to follow


CDC to add COVID Injection to Vaccine Schedule for Children despite knowing about shocking 8x increase in Excess Deaths among Children across Europe since EMA approved Jab for Kids

• The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is has announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will be added to the list of required childhood vaccines in the USA.