
Saturday, December 28, 2019

TWINKLE BROTHERS • Let Jah In/Get Behind Me Satan • 1981/2003


📺WATCH: Black Man Gently Destroys Chinese Restaurant Owner's Whole Perception With Powerful Tongue

😄It always fascinates me the assumptions people make... the brother talking with the camera is absolutely brilliant... I love the part where he starts burning him in Japanese... LMA😂! ~ even gets called a "meshugenner"!!!... this video is really quite hilarious and insightful to watch...😉

Friday, December 27, 2019


The original version of this tune on the 1965 Miles Davis album E.S.P. is with the same personnel (minus Wallace Roney) ~ I have always loved that one ~ and when I first heard the other one when it came out in '94, I really flipped and still enjoy how exquisitely they had developed and reinterpreted it over so many years of playing at such an elite level of musicianship... very special right here... blessings to all...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday, December 23, 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

🌱New Generation of Black-Led Co-ops Want to End Food Insecurity🍽

Nigel Roberts | THE ROOT

“A lot of the neighborhoods in West Oakland had 20 to 30 liquor stores and an assortment of fast-food restaurants but no full-size grocery stores,” Jeneba Kilgore, a worker-owner at Mandela Grocery Cooperative recalled about her hometown 10 years ago. “You could barely find the stuff to make a salad within walking distance.”

Briana Sidney, another Mandela worker-owner, said back then there was a 99 cents store that sold groceries. It was the only option for many folks in the Northern California community who didn’t have a car. However, the discount store, which is now closed, was never a place to purchase quality food.

“So, yeah, it has been a really crucial food desert,” Sidney added. “It went from people not having access to quality food to people not having access to grocery stores at all.”

Thursday, December 12, 2019

🔥Watch: STEVIE WONDER • Signed, Sealed, Delivered (VINTAGE Funky LIVE Version) • 1973🔥

🔥Longtime, ALL-time favorite! The backup vocals are some of the slickest harmonies I know of... you can also watch the entire amazing performance below if you wish...🔥

Watch: MARVIN GAYE • Motown Documentary • RARE • 1986

BIG✊ • I remember seeing this back in the day... Hard to find cable TV documentary produced by Motown Productions about the life and musical career of Marvin Gaye. Many are of the opinion it's the best one that has been made. RARE interviews, footage & performance with many other legends. Narration by Smokey Robinson.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

BOBBY HUTCHERSON • Secrets Of Love • 1978

Our survival as a species depends on finding them out and living by them every day...

🔥🎄JIMMY JULES and the NUCLEAR SOUL SYSTEM with JACKIE SPENCER • Xmas Done Got Funky • 1977🎁🔥

🔥🕊🎄THE funkiest Christmas album you NEVER heard! This old gem is mad unknown & underrated ~ so amazing from start to finish that I'll sometimes put it on just any old time of the year ~ but hey ~ its just another reason to love the Christmas season that I get to play it even more and share it with others like this here ~ hope this is blessing to erryone ~ praying your holidays are filled with peace and love... and y'all gets a lil' funky now with the Spirit from above!🎁🕊🔥