
Friday, November 29, 2019


I've had this song deeply in my soul for over 25 years... one of THE very finest pieces of music ever recorded by mankind... and indeed -- over time, I've found it good and wise to take some time each day for a little solitude -- to refresh the heart and mind...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

ARETHA FRANKLIN • LIVE in Canada • 1978

THE QUEEN! So far, the realest thing I could find this evening. This was uploaded for years on YouTube but taken down a little over a year ago last time I wanted to post it ~ but I just noticed someone re-uploaded it a few months ago ~ one of my absolute favorite artists and performances - LIVE - at her best!

Hope everyone is safe and well if you're traveling on this Thanksgiving Eve ~ and prayers UP for whatever y'all are doing... that no matter what... it's the real thing...

Trailblazing Explorer Barbara Hillary, First Black Woman to Reach North and South Poles, Dies at 88


Barbara Hillary, the trailblazing adventurer who made history as the first African-American woman to reach the North and South Poles, has died. She was 88 years old.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

THE CHOSEN FEW • In The Rain • 1976

It just started to rain here in the SF Bay for the first time this fall... very grateful for this much needed precipitation to finally calm down the fire season which most people know has been getting pretty extreme in recent years...

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The BREATH of LIFE QUARTET • Ghetto Child • 1979

☆☆☆☆☆ Full album... incredibly exquisite compositions... madly underappreciated group... one of my favorite records from my favorite decade of music... yo ~ just let the whole holy thing roll... such a magnificent Comfort to the soul... ☆☆☆☆☆

MILDRED CLARK and the MELODY-AIRES • I'll Keep Trying To Hold On • 1980

And never let go...

Saturday, November 16, 2019

BUNNY WAILER • Who Feels It • 1977

First heard this over 30 years ago... I still can listen to it everyday and not get tired of it in the least... bless all y'all who feels it and knows it too...

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Monday, November 11, 2019

Russians Add Digital Warfare to Their ‘Back-to-Africa’ Efforts


With the inaugural Russia-Africa summit that Russian President Vladimir Putin held in Sochi this past week, the former Soviet nation seems poised to reassert its presence in Africa as in past decades, before the fall of the Soviet Union. At issue is what Russia plans to accomplish in Africa this time around, its strategy, and its motivations for once again becoming a player on the mother continent.

Another Honor for Our ‘Hidden Figures’: Congressional Gold Medals Given to the Black Women Behind the Space Race

Maiysha Kai | THE GLOW UP

America’s “Hidden Figures”—the black women behind NASA’s success in the “Space Race,” continue to be celebrated 50 years after their calculations helped man walk on the moon.

Thanks to the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act, NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, computer programmer Dorothy Vaughan, and engineers Mary Jackson and Christine Darden are being awarded Congressional Gold Medals, the highest civilian award in the United States. The bipartisan bill (pdf), introduced by Senator and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), among others, was signed into law by President Donald Trump on Friday.

Saturday, November 9, 2019



Vaughn Benjamin | August 13, 1969 - November 4, 2019

A light has left our world!

While every death causes consternation and sadness among loved ones, some are more of a shock to us than others. Especially when it comes as unexpected as the passing of Vaughn Benjamin, legendary singer and songwriter of Midnite, who adopted the new name Akae Beka in 2015.

Friday, November 8, 2019

PATTI LaBELLE • Aint No Way • LIVE @ the Essence Awards • 1993

🔥Ms. Patti on fire again here... even with the Queen right there in the audience ~ she gets a standing-O! Lol... Aretha like: 'Yeah? Dayum. Well aight then... git it girl!' 🔥

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Suspicious vandals target high-tech water machine made by black U.S. army vet

SMDH! And after less than a week of helping the poor folks of Flint MI! Listen as he describes how they clearly knew what they were doing in an intricate manner...☝️

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MATTIE MOSS & TWINKIE CLARK (ft. BETTE RANSOM NELSON) • All Is Well (Because In Christ I Dwell) • 1980

The one and only Mattie Moss and her daughter Twinkie on a good ole favorite of mine... I hope and pray everybody is having a blessed day ~ and most of all... LOVING ONE ANOTHER as you follow The Way!💓

"All is well ~ because in Christ I dwell..."

THE WAILERS • Dreamland • 1970

This is another wonderful song that never gets skipped when it comes on my shuffler...