Monday, February 21, 2022
FDA flip flops on Kids Vax 6 mo to 4 years old • "WORST DAY for the agency's reputation in 20 years": UCSF Physician VINAY PRASAD MD explains why
is a practicing Hematologist Oncologist, and an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at University of California San Francisco
with over 300 published research papers
Most children now have natural immunity
Pfizer postpones FDA request for Covid vaccine for kids under 5
Pfizer Yanks Child Vaccine Approval Request
Pfizer vaccine significantly less effective in kids 5-11: study
Vaccine Not Effective After 28 Days in Children 5-11 (NY State Vaccine Efficacy Data)
MSNBC Lies About COVID Danger To Kids AGAIN
The Science Behind Why Children Fare Better With Covid-19
Myocarditis Risk Makes CDC Question Vax Dosing
Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data
Is the vaccine interval advice in the United States sub-optimal, increasing myocarditis?
New study: 133x risk of myocarditis after COVID vaccination
133x Risk of Myocarditis After mRNA Vaccines in Children (CDC Study) - Drbeen Medical Lectures
JAMA: mRNA vaccines elevate myocarditis risk by 133x
Myocarditis | Kids Vax | Prof Shamez Ladhani | Pediatric ID expert | Vaccine expert
"I think a lot of people are going to get more and more angry with the politicians who are setting the policy, because it's abundantly clear that children who are powerless can be subject to all sorts of restrictions that the powerful don't want to be... it's the worst policy I've ever seen, it's the most unfair policy I've ever seen. It promotes the interests of the rich and powerful adult interests -- elite interests -- and it SACRIFICES CHILDREN."
BILL GATES: “Willingness to take vaccines is partly driven by dead bodies. If you're a VERY YOUNG population that's very thin, YOU JUST DON'T see the same thing. But if you get the TRUST hierarchy, which in many countries is the religious leaders, TO VISIBLY VACCINATE THEIR KIDS, then you can overcome some of that.”
California school kids must get COVID vaccine under new bill
COVID Vaccines Open Rifts Between Parents, Children
Parental Consent Not Needed For Pre-Teen Vaccines Under Proposed State Law
"They are coming for OUR CHILDREN! We CANNOT sit down! When in the world did we start using our children as BULLETPROOF VESTS FOR US? When in the world did we start testing things ON CHILDREN?"
The Court Jester
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