🕊️🔥Do they (or you?) realize how many people OF ALL COLORS there are out there who THINK AND FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as this EXTREMELY brave sister right here? If only we had some REAL LEADERS in government who were this COURAGEOUS and ON POINT! Not to mention -- NOT OWNED BY BIG PHARMA.
The woman above is named is Tricia Lindsay - and as she declares so powerfully: "It's MEDICAL RAPE! They are coming for OUR CHILDREN! We CANNOT sit down! When in the world did we start using our children as BULLETPROOF VESTS FOR US? When in the world did we start testing things ON CHILDREN?... They are turning our country into ONE HUGE, MASSIVE SLAVE SHIP -- and I don't know about you, but I'm NOT signing up for THAT cruise line."🔥🕊️
🕊️♥️AND REMEMBER ABOVE ALL that a TRUE follower of Christ will ALWAYS be A PEACEMAKER and NEVER use FORCE or VIOLENCE in striving to overcome evil. Yet also realize that it is *NOT the GOVERNMENT which ENDOWS* it's people with their RIGHTS -- but rather, as it is written in the U.S. Declaration of Independence:"...all men are created equal, that they are *ENDOWED BY their CREATOR* with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The GOVERNMENT is only to SECURE and be the PROTECTOR of those Rights so that the people can FREELY EXERCISE THEM!♥️🕊️