
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

'MEDICAL GASLIGHTING': 'We know that women, and especially women of color, are often diagnosed and treated differently by doctors than men are, even when they have the same health conditions'


Women Are Calling Out 'Medical Gaslighting' 

Melinda Wenner Moyer | THE NEW YORK TIMES

Jenneh Rishe could easily run 6 miles in under 45 minutes — until suddenly she couldn’t. In the spring of 2019, Rishe, now 35, began finding her daily jogs a struggle.

Monday, March 28, 2022

After Two Years Fighting COVID, Nurses Wonder: What Has Really Changed?


Health care workers feel worn out, denied the staffing and support that would let them do what they do best   


Several months into what has become a two-year siege, Brenda Chavez identified a tipping point. Her fellow nurses at Centinela Hospital in Inglewood were beginning to run ragged. A colleague took a stress leave. Several others left the hospital and didn’t return.

“I’d never seen anything like it,” Chavez, an RN in the hospital’s emergency department, told Capital & Main last year. “It was tough. We were seeing friends and co-workers who just finally had to leave when it got to be too much. They didn’t feel safe. They didn’t feel supported.”

Saturday, March 26, 2022

The BROTHER MIKE from DETROIT talks about BIDEN now admitting FOOD SHORTAGES are coming - PLUS: WAY MORE with callers on THESE PROPHETIC TIMES we are living through


🕊️Whosoever hath ears...🕊️

COMING SOON TO YOUR STATE? California Is Being Destroyed -- Unthinkably Bad Laws Being Rushed Through Legislature Without Most People Even Realizing What The Hell Is Happening


🕊️"Come out of her My people..."🕊️

COMING SOON TO YOUR COUNTRY? So-called 'Zero-Covid' policy in CHINA is now PROVING that THE STRICTER the virus protocols, THE WORSE the OUTCOME - and that this is not about 'public health', but SOCIAL CONTROL


'Refuse quarantine!': frustrations mount as China replays COVID controls

David Stanway | REUTERS

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - In footage shared on social media last week, a crowd of people in the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang bang against the windows of a clothing market as they shout in frustration at the announcement of yet another round of COVID-19 tests.

WAIT -- SO NOW IT'S A PANACEA?!? CDC CLAIMS: "People who GOT Covid-19 vaccines were LESS likely to die from ANY cause compared to unvaccinated people"


🤔Hmmm... Where have we seen this before in history?🐍 

Maggie Fox | CNN

People who got Covid-19 vaccines were not only less likely to die from the virus, but they were less likely to die from any cause over the following months, researchers reported Friday.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

CHASE THAT CRAZY BALDHEAD! Jamaicans shun UK royal visit, demand slavery reparations


Dozens of well-known leaders in Jamaica including professors and politicians are demanding an apology and slavery reparations as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge prepare for a trip to the former British colony


Dozens of well-known leaders in Jamaica including professors and politicians are demanding an apology and slavery reparations as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge prepare for a trip to the former British colony.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

📺Watch! BIG TECH STRIKES AGAIN: (And you thought it was JUST yours) How the QWERTY Keyboard BROKE the CHINESE Language


🤓Hi there! It's BIG TECH - and we're just here doing ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL things for humanity like helping ALL CULTURES to be MORE INTELLIGENT and COMMUNICATE BETTER with one another! Hahaha!🤪SERIOUSLY! TRUST US!🤑

Monday, March 21, 2022

KEITH POPPIN with LEE PERRY and THE UPSETTERS • Be Prepared (How Long?) • 1973


🕊️Seeking first The Kingdom of JAH and His righteousness... BE ALSO READY...🕊️

⚠️Ukraine War Threatens to Cause a GLOBAL Food Crisis: ALL will suffer - but AFRICA and the MIDDLE EAST to be hit FIRST and MOST SEVERELY⚠️



The war in Ukraine has delivered a shock to global energy markets. Now the planet is facing a deeper crisis: a shortage of food.

DR. JOHN CAMPBELL on CHINA'S draconian 'ZERO COVID' policy: "BIOLOGICALLY, what they're doing just makes NO sense AT ALL... UTTERLY BIZARRE, really -- the idea that humans can OVERRIDE OMICRON is just UTTERLY RIDICULOUS."


🔥☝️MUST SEE: This is a SOLID rant! After first apprising us of how their fascist policy is only working to PROLONG THE PANDEMIC and further the TWISTED GOALS of what appears to be a EUGENIC POPULATION REDUCTION program going on in Hong Kong, he then also goes OFF hard on the CCP & WHO's OUTRAGEOUS lack of RESPONSIBILITY for NOT being transparent to the rest of the world with KEY info and then PROMPTLY shutting down all travel to and from China WAY EARLIER in the intitial days of the Pandemic - which, in his opinion could have PREVENTED IT...💥🔥

Saturday, March 19, 2022

SO SORRY! WE DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! (Well, ok YES we DID!) New CDC report reveals OVER 72,000 FEWER adult COVID-19 -- and 24% FEWER pediatric DEATHS after 'coding logic error' data correction


Reported pediatric COVID-19 deaths plummet 24% after CDC fixes 'coding logic error'


All-time pediatric deaths from COVID-19 reported on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's COVID Data Tracker plummeted nearly 24% after the agency resolved a "coding logic error" on Wednesday.

Monday, March 14, 2022

TOP UK DOC: "So really, THAT'S the MAJOR issue that's been AT THE HEART of this."


☝️📺Note carefully what he says around 3:00 -and then- be sure listen to the rest of the interview for an *excellent* concise breakdown of the MASSIVE CORRUPTION and CONFLICTS of INTEREST which have also been a key part of the entire agenda...



🤔I have a feeling this is yet another story you won't be hearing about on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS or any of the corporate media whatsoever at this time...

Wondering how CHINA views the war in UKRAINE? Let's take at what's going on in THEIR PUBLIC SCHOOLS RIGHT NOW...

☝️MUST SEE: And you thought schools in America had the worst problems!😳

Friday, March 11, 2022

🕊️🔥😭MUST HEAR and SEE! Miss CATIA MADISON Will Sing You To Tears With Her Impromptu Rendition Of • 'I'M FREE' • While Strolling To Her Car In The Parking Garage!😭🔥🕊️


🕊️🔥😭WOOOOOOOH, LORD!!! This girl is SO INCREDIBLY ANOINTED that I've already plumb forgot how many times I've listened to this! If you have ears to hear the Holy Ghost coming through her, you already know: YOU DEFINITELY BLESSED!!!😭🔥🕊️

Thursday, March 10, 2022

It's 'Alarming': Children Are Severely Behind in Reading


Dana Goldstein | THE NEW YORK TIMES

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — The kindergarten crisis of last year, when millions of 5-year-olds spent months outside of classrooms, has become this year’s reading emergency.

As the pandemic enters its third year, a cluster of new studies now show that about one-third of children in the youngest grades are missing reading bench marks, up significantly from before the pandemic.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

NANA AKUA on ECO-ANXIETY: 'Let’s just do the best we can and give each other a break.'


AMEN! After all... is it really YOUR fault that WICKED BABYLONIANS invent destructive things, trick mankind into becoming dependent them and thus by consequence are destroying us and the environment... all whilst THEY are the ones profiting madly from the whole scheme? And above all else, don't forget: THE CREATOR HATH DECLARED ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2022



"And they just kick the can down the road -- but eventually you run out of road."

☝️📺 WATCHThis is an excellent - yet easy to understand - breakdown of a very complex but critically important situation facing ALL of us at this time...

Monday, March 7, 2022



🕊️Once again, well worth the ride for the 411 he's dropping here about this topic!🕊️

JOHNNY OSBOURNE • Truths And Rights • 1979


🕊️"Remember the words of prophecy..." 🕊️

FDA begins court-ordered release of thousands of pages on Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine data they wanted to hide for 75 years

Why a Judge Ordered FDA to Release Covid-19 Vaccine Data Pronto


A group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA to force release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Plaintiff’s attorney Aaron Siri, who is representing the group, explains the fight that led a federal court to order expedited release of documents the agency claimed it would take decades to process.

Friday, March 4, 2022

The Brother ISSACHAR Talks About REPARATIONS - And THE NEW ECONOMY You Have Been Training For (You Just Didn't Realize It)


☝️YES, this is pretty long -- but I wouldn't post it if it wasn't SERIOUSLY WORTH EVERY MINUTE you'll spend for the high quality of key information and priceless wisdom on these extremely important topics (also some from his wife in particular on this episode) -- I strongly recommend listening to it asap before it (possibly) gets removed from YouTube -- (btw, it actually starts at around 6:00, so save time and skip to there to begin) 🕊️Whosoever hath ears, let them hear!🕊️

Thursday, March 3, 2022

REVEALED: The REAL reason India (and many other countries) said NO to PFIZER and MODERNA Vaccines


Why were Pfizer and Moderna vaccines not available in India? Health minister responds    


For the first time, India’s health minister has revealed the reasons that forced India to rely heavily on indigenous vaccines

India’s Covid inoculation programme is largely driven by Indian made vaccines.

Even though Russia’s Sputnik and Johnson & Johnson's single-dose vaccine were given a go-ahead by the Indian drug regulatory authority, it was Indian made Covaxin and Covishield that was widely used under the government-run vaccine programme.

But it begs the question as to why Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were not available in India.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

SHOULD WE REALLY BE SURPRISED? African refugees experiencing RACISM on BOTH sides of the border as they try to escape violence


African Students Fleeing Ukraine Report Being Told ‘No Blacks’ on Buses

Anita Bennett | URBANHOLLYWOOD411

Race is apparently a factor for people trying to flee Ukraine as fighting rages following Russia’s invasion on Feb. 24.

African students and migrant workers have been sharing stories with reporters and on social media alleging Ukrainian authorities denied them entry onto buses and trains because of the color of their skin.