
Saturday, March 26, 2022

COMING SOON TO YOUR STATE? California Is Being Destroyed -- Unthinkably Bad Laws Being Rushed Through Legislature Without Most People Even Realizing What The Hell Is Happening


🕊️"Come out of her My people..."🕊️


California legislators propose new slate of COVID-19 vaccine laws

"That is the STRUCTURAL RACISM that we SUPPOSEDLY are trying to solve! This bill is going to insert that BACK INTO society."

DIRECTOR of COVID RESPONSE AT UCSF: "It feels like CHILDREN have been an afterthought in terms of our Covid policy..."

FDA flip flops on Kids Vax 6 mo to 4 years old • "WORST DAY for the agency's reputation in 20 years": UCSF Physician VINAY PRASAD MD explains why

"You shouldn’t have to be forced to take something you don’t want”: SHAQUILLE O’NEAL Speaks Out AGAINST Vaccine Mandates

Are VACCINE PASSPORTS the key to reanimating public life... or the LINCHPIN of a GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE NETWORK?

DISTURBING survey of BLUE PILL VOTERS reveals roughly HALF currently support FINES, INTERNMENT CAMPS and PRISON for the UNVACCINATED

COVID Revealed America To Be a Nation of Rulers, Not of Laws

COMING SOON TO YOUR COUNTRY? So-called 'Zero-Covid' policy in CHINA is now PROVING that THE STRICTER the virus protocols, THE WORSE the OUTCOME - and that this is not about 'public health', but SOCIAL CONTROL