
Thursday, July 28, 2022

"We are headed towards a FOOD SHORTAGE in this country. The President committed to having a meeting with me last year. I'm here again asking for the meeting because [he] committed to that. The way I was raised was... when you give a man your word, YOU NEED TO HONOR YOUR WORD." President of NATIONAL BLACK FARMER'S ASSOCIATION calls out Biden Admin over FAILURE to address crisis for farmers in America


National Black Farmers president issues dire warning to Biden admin: 'We're heading for a food shortage'

This is wrong what the government is doing to us. I don’t care if you’re Republican or Democrat or Independent. You know wrong is wrong, and I was one of the first people to support President Biden,” Boyd said. “We’re not getting what we need from the administration right now, and that’s just not good from a group of people who overwhelmingly supported you and voted for you.”

MORE: National Black Farmers Association Calls on Biden, Black Athletes, Influencers for Help After White Farmers Sued to Block $4B Debt Relief