
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

"JAW-DROPPING" Why is the CDC IGNORING the system designed to track ADVERSE EVENTS resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines? Have you noticed that even CORPORATE MEDIA is having a difficult time lately ignoring those INJURED AND KILLED BY THE VAX?


"There's all kinds of evidence that suggests that there is a very serious adverse event problem -- and those who are charged with balancing the risks of a vaccine with the benefits of that vaccine are apparently blinding themselves..."    --Brett Weinstein  


Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials

Proof your Government is manipulating data to cover-up the lethality of COVID-19 Vaccination

Pfizer’s ‘Sensitive’ Document Reveals Alarming Facts about Trial Subjects

According to Government Data in the VAERS System, COVID Injections Have Caused 29,031 Deaths, and 240,022 Serious Injuries (VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events)

Expression of Concern: Potential Risks and Unknown Effects of mRNA Vaccines on Population Health (6th Rev). Damages Are Being Materialized

Yet UNTOLD NUMBERS of women have been reporting this since the vax rollout...

And it's NOT JUST women whose reproductive health is being adversely affected...

Because they have SUCH A HEART...

Israel sees probable link between Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis cases

Rate of Myocarditis in Vaccinated Boys Slightly Higher Than Thought, Israeli Study Finds

Florida Recommends Against mRNA Vaccination for Males Aged 18-39 Due to 84% Increase in Heart Death Risk

Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data - Dr. John Campbell

Now isn't the time for vaccine mandates, even with low rate of COVID-19 shots for kids: experts

Vaccinating 5-year-olds against Covid won't 'make much difference', UK expert says ahead of decision

Most children now have natural immunity

Heart Disease in Children Explodes Since the Vaccine

EU says Novavax COVID shot must carry heart side-effect warning

CDC: 'Unusually large' number of newborns infected with potentially life-threatening virus that can trigger fever, poor feeding, and seizures. This virus, called Parechovirus is known to be "...implicated in cases of myocarditis..."

Hospitals report more cases of parechovirus in infants: "This is not normal"

200 scientists and doctors send petition to UK Government to pause child Covid vaccine campaign

Doctors around the world came together to sign a Declaration of an International Medical Crisis due to the diseases and death co-related to the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

A Growing Number of Young Healthy Adults are Mysteriously Dying: Dependent Media Attempts to Normalize "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" Caused by COVID Injections [the leading Cause of Coincidences]

UK Government Data Demonstrates COVID Shots are Most Likely the Cause of ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’

Explosion In New Heart Conditions Dismissed As "Post Pandemic Stress Disorder"