
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

HIGH HYPOCRISY: As BIG PHARMA Biden CLAIMS He's Trying To Help Brittney Griner, The TRUTH Is He Has Arrested MORE People For Cannabis Than Trump And Has Done NOTHING To Change Federal Laws To Free Tens Of Thousands Locked Up For The SAME THING In The U.S.




After a dip during the peak of the pandemic in 2020, federal law enforcement agents and their partners arrested 25% more people for cannabis-related crimes in 2021, during the first year of the Biden Administration. 

But while a post-pandemic bump in arrests would have been fair to expect, the biggest jump in cannabis arrests in a decade was not. The nation’s oldest cannabis reform organization NORML noted the 6,606 marijuana-related arrests in 2021 represented the most since the 8,500 arrested in 2011. 

This followed Joe Biden’s February 2021 promise he would pursue decriminalization and mass expungements for people with prior cannabis convictions. 

A month after that promise, word got out that some staff may have been a little too honest with Joe about their past marijuana use, dozens of young White House staffers were asked to resign. So the hopes of cannabis policy reformers were squashed quickly, but the new soaring arrest numbers are certainly salt in the wound. 

2021 saw a similar bump in the amount of plants destroyed by the feds and partners, via the domestic eradication program. The 5.53 million cannabis plants destroyed represented 20% more plants than the previous year. 

California saw the most enforcement as usual. A total of 86% of plant seizures and 60% of arrests conducted by federal authorities happened in the Golden State. 

NORML called the major jump across both categories troubling. 

 “At a time when the overwhelming majority of voters support legalization, and when more and more states — and even members of Congress — are moving toward this direction, it is troubling to see federal agents and their local partners reversing course and reinvigorating their marijuana-related enforcement activities,” said NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano.


Elon Musk quick to expose Biden’s hypocrisy in calling for release of Brittney Griner


Joe Biden BLASTED By Elon Musk For Efforts To Free Brittney Griner From Russia, Told To Take Care Of His ‘Yard’ First: “Shouldn’t We Free People In America First?”

The Elon Musk logic: 'If we want Britney Griner freed should we also free those jailed for similar crimes in America?'

“If the President is working so hard to sort of free someone who’s in jail in Russia for some weed, then shouldn’t we free people in America? There are people in jail in America for the same stuff, shouldn’t we free them too?”

Another subject covered by the organization is the amount the increase in enforcement is costing Americans, when so many are suffering from the biggest rise in inflation in decades and wondering how they’ll afford to fill up at the pump. Coincidently, the state that saw the most enforcement also has the highest gas prices in the country. 

“The fact that these interdiction efforts are growing — at great cost to the taxpayer — despite increasing momentum for legalization is a testament to the failure of federal prohibition and unnecessarily burdensome state regulatory policies,” said NORML’s Political Director Morgan Fox. 

Fox also noted that if there was a fair playing field for operators to work in, the people this enforcement is happening to may already have made the jump to the regulated market. 

“Lack of access to banking services and capital, high barriers to entry into legal cannabis markets, and exorbitant tax rates at all levels of government are clearly hampering the ability of licensed cannabis businesses to compete with the unregulated market,” Fox said. “The solutions to this situation are beyond obvious at this point, and they don’t involve law enforcement officers putting themselves at risk by dropping out of helicopters or conducting armed raids.”

Fox wants congress to pursue evidenced-based, market-oriented, and justice-focused policies. He believes this is the real policy move, if officials want to make a dent in the ever-booming underground market, now bigger than ever on both sides of the country. 


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Biden’s sloooooow walk on weed


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How The Weldon Project Letter Aims to Hold Biden Accountable on Cannabis Clemency

As we seek to end the War on Drugs, we are working to create visibility for the people of color who have long been disproportionately affected by racist policing and imprisonment. "Why should people trust the justice system to follow through on efforts like expungement? They've put people in cages and forgotten about them."

Joe Biden Can No Longer Hide From Cannabis Legalization Efforts

It’s time for Biden to keep his promises on marijuana

FLASHBACK 2020: Marijuana is not a 'gateway drug.' If Joe Biden doesn't know that, he shouldn't be president.


“We’re locked out of this industry in a major, major way...” AND arrest figures for Blacks have actually increased in absolute terms since cannabis legalization in CA

ALABAMA OUGHT TO TO BE ASHAMED! Black Disabled Purple Heart Veteran Faces 5 Years in Prison for Medical Marijuana

New York now has one of the most equity-focused cannabis laws in the country

WA lawmakers strike the word ‘marijuana’ from all state laws, calling term racist

MEME of the CENTURY!!!

"We are headed towards a FOOD SHORTAGE in this country. The President committed to having a meeting with me last year. I'm here again asking for the meeting because [he] committed to that. The way I was raised was... when you give a man your word, YOU NEED TO HONOR YOUR WORD." President of NATIONAL BLACK FARMER'S ASSOCIATION calls out Biden Admin over FAILURE to address crisis for farmers in America

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