
Thursday, November 2, 2023

Which Side Should We Choose In The Conflict Between Israel and Palestine?

Should We Side With Israel Or Palestine?


A podcast listener named Melinda writes, “Pastor John, what is the proper, Christian response to all that is going on in Israel and Gaza? I have Christian friends praising Israel because they are God’s people defeating their long-time enemies, saying that all their offensives are justified and sanctioned by God because they are defending the land he gave them. I have other Christian friends who are outraged over Israel’s slaughter of innocent civilians and children in Gaza, and the support they are receiving from the United States. Which is the right response?”

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Death Of Free Speech: EU Signs Law To ‘Police’ The Entire Internet And Takes Down Websites With Unapproved Speech

Jacob M. Thompson | WINEPRESS NEWS 

“For rogue platforms refusing to comply with important obligations and thereby endangering people’s life and safety, it will be possible as a last resort to ask a court for a temporary suspension of their service, after involving all relevant parties,” the EU states.

Unbeknownst to most people of the world, the internet has officially changed forever and what people are allowed to say and publish is in great jeopardy. One month ago to this point the European Union’s invasive law called the Digital Services Act (DSA) took effect, that essentially allows bureaucrats in the EU to become the arbiters of speech and free thought online, legally restricting what platforms can and cannot say.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

TWINKIE CLARK • Power • 1981


🕊'You say you got the Holy Ghost? You say you got the Holy Ghost... IF you got THAT Power, where is it? IF you got THAT Power, why not use it?'🕊

Thursday, September 14, 2023

DEATH SHOT: United States Is Facing A ‘Crisis Of Early Death’ And ‘Missing Americans,’ Says Mainstream Media And Scientists

Jacob M. Thompson | WINEPRESS NEWS

“Week in, week out, this unnatural loss of life is on the scale of a war or terrorist event,” USA Today wrote.

The United States of America is experiencing a “crisis of early death” and “missing Americans,” according to health professionals and mainstream press.

Saturday, September 9, 2023


🕊️📖 If this teaching has increased your faith and edified you - and the Holy Spirit moves you – please offfer your support to: 📖🕊️

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Lancet Study EXPLODES Myth of Asymptomatic Spread


Asymptomatic people with Covid are only responsible for a tiny fraction of spread, a study in the Lancet has found, exploding a myth that formed a key part of social distancing policies and fear messaging during the pandemic.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Identity Only: Come Back To The Light • PASTOR STEPHEN DARBY

🕊️📖 If this teaching has increased your faith and edified you - and the Holy Spirit moves you – please offfer your support to: 📖🕊️

The letter that most people should be writing to their doctor right about now

Hi Doc, How’s It Going? 


How's it going? It’s been a long time since we talked. That said, I’ve been talking about you and your colleagues a good bit with friends about how the medical profession performed during the last three or so years, and more specifically, how you and your colleagues really did when it came to helping people heal. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The Black Gatekeepers • PASTOR STEPHEN DARBY

☝This sermon was given nearly a decade ago - and as usual, Pastor Darby's words have only become MORE valid and edifying as the years have passed... including this little noticed story just the other day... time to park your idols and buckle up for the ride...☝

Sunday, July 30, 2023

MILDRED CLARK and the MELODY-AIRES • 2000 Years • 1978





Wednesday, July 26, 2023



🕊"Just like a doctor has to deal with you with a natural scalpel to cut naturally, FAITH is a spiritual scalpel that deals with spiritual problems... We don't seek true solution because solution means something we must DO -- and -- something we must STOP doing..." 🕊

Monday, July 24, 2023

BILL GATES claims GMO foods have been 'used for BILLIONS of years' -- AFRICA REACTS to his crusade to feed them to everyone on the continent

🔥🤓💉🤑This dude thinks everyone sees him as part of "the science" and been getting away with lying so much for so long, he's feeling entitled to make up some absolutely ridiculous whoppers lately -- ESPECIALLY about AFRICA! ☝But listen up above -- and one will clearly see -- THEY JUST AIN'T FEELIN' YOU, BILLY!!!😤😡🤬🔥

Monday, July 17, 2023

SOMEONE FINALLY JUST SAID IT! Christian councillor suspended after tweeting 'Pride is not a virtue but a sin'


King Lawal

Georgina Cutler | GB NEWS 

A Christian councillor who tweeted “Pride is not a virtue but a sin” has been suspended by the Tory Party and said he has been “cancelled” by six other organisations.

Friday, July 14, 2023

MEGALITHIC ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE? Let's take a little trip to NAN MADOL in the South Pacific - where it seems the only logical explanation is that THE NEPHILIM have been quite busy here

 👹🗿🐉THE NEPHILIM STRIKE AGAIN? And never mind the fact that none of the local indigenous people here will allow their culture to take credit for such enigmatic engineering (which rivals the pyramids of Egypt and STILL to this day, remains definitively unexplained by so-called official "science") but rather, they have always insisted that it was built by sorcerers, giants and a dragon... 👹🗿🐉

Thursday, July 13, 2023

DID YOU KNOW? Recent Pew Poll reveals 72 percent of WHITE Democrats believe one's "sex can be different from that assigned at birth" but ONLY 33 PERCENT of BLACK Democrats think the same

PEW POLL: Black Democrats differ from other Democrats in their views on gender identity, transgender issues

And yet... contrast this data with the fact that the Satanic elite narrative pushers and the corporate media nearly always put BLACK LGBTQ people out front (think RuPaul) -- literally as much as possible -- to try to make it SEEM AS IF there are a HUGE number of people in the community that 'identify' in this manner or even approve of such behavior - as well as attempt to EQUATE the LGBTQ agenda with the LEGITIMACY of the BLACK struggle against racist oppression and the 'civil rights' movement...

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

CONNERIE de GRAND FRÈRE! France passes law granting police the power to spy on people through all electronic devices -- and PUNKEZ-VOUS(!) -- (no joke) DOCTORS, JOURNALISTS, LAWYERS, JUDGES, and POLITICIANS are ALL EXEMPT!


Not that all the globalist governments weren't already doing this whenever they want... it's just that now it's official... and they're subliminally letting people know they're going to try to get you to give up A LOT more in the way of PRIVACY going forward...

Monday, July 10, 2023



And so now we must wonder -- HOW MANY health care systems STILL have THIS KIND of behavior and to THIS DEGREE going on unchecked? Just INSANE these devils could even get hired for such a critically important job in the first place! I know it's not always possible -- but WHENEVER you CAN, people -- just be sure you're EDUCATED and INFORMED about WHERE and WITH WHOM you entrust your health care -- and that YOU are the one making the ultimate decisions...