
Monday, July 17, 2023

SOMEONE FINALLY JUST SAID IT! Christian councillor suspended after tweeting 'Pride is not a virtue but a sin'


King Lawal

Georgina Cutler | GB NEWS 

A Christian councillor who tweeted “Pride is not a virtue but a sin” has been suspended by the Tory Party and said he has been “cancelled” by six other organisations.

King Lawal, a Northamptonshire councillor, is being investigated by his party after expressing his religious beliefs on social media.

Last month, Lawal responded to pictures of pride parades organised by LGBT groups saying: “When did Pride become a thing to celebrate.

"Because of Pride Satan fell as an arch Angel. Pride is not a virtue but a Sin. Those who have Pride should Repent of their sins and return to Jesus Christ. He can save you. #PrideMonth #Pride23 #PrideParade'."

Last month, King Lawal responded to pictures of pride parades organised by LGBT groups

The post featured an image with a verse from Isaiah 3 verse 9, which said: “Whatever God calls ‘Sin’ is nothing to be Proud of.”

Lawal said he was suspended by the local Conservative group shortly after posting the tweet and was told an investigation involving the Conservative headquarters (CCHQ) was pending.

The 31-year-old claims he was forced to resign from his job in a nursing and care business after receiving an ultimatum by a different local authority.

He was also dismissed as a trustee from an organisation which helps children get access to green spaces and suspended as an academy council member for Weavers Academy, a state secondary school in Wellingborough, Northants.

And truly -- in addition to being the ORIGINAL SIN which caused angels and men to fall -- check for yourself: as any mature believer well knows, there are ZERO instances found in scripture where the words PRIDE or PROUD are considered anything else but SINFUL...


Christian councillor 'cancelled' for tweeting 'Pride is a sin'

Christian councillor suspended after tweeting 'Pride is not a virtue but a sin'

Tory councillor suspended over comments about LGBT Pride

Suspended Pride is sin tweet councillor King Lawal takes legal action

Christian councillor suspended over Pride tweet launches legal action


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