Of ALL The Reasons For The Alarming Rise In Crime Since The Pandemic Began, What Is Most Likely THE BIGGEST Factor Is HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. So why can't most people even see it?
How SHAMEFUL it is that hardly anyone wants to BE HONEST and REALLY TALK about this thing that is SO OBVIOUS to most anyone not living in a permanent state of COVID PARANOIA and utterly neurotic MASK FETISHIZATION syndrome -- and even moreso PATHETIC that when one Googles "coronavirus masking increase in crime" right now, there are VERY FEW articles even written about this topic -- and the MAJORITY of those are only from the first year or so of the pandemic, after which this story has been almost completely IGNORED by the corporate media ever since...
Anonymous and emboldened: How mask use affects criminal behavior
With more people donning face masks to curb the spread of the coronavirus, some criminals are taking advantage of the situation.
“Being anonymized has always been associated with more deviant and criminal behavior,” ranging from bank robberies to the Ku Klux Klan, said Bryanna Fox, a former FBI Agent and associate professor in the University of South Florida’s criminology department.
Fox said studies have found “people who wear masks feel more enabled and empowered to do things that they normally wouldn’t have done if their face was seen in public.”
She said that for someone who otherwise wouldn’t commit a crime, “this could be an opportunity that they take up because they feel more protected.”
And, of course, this makes those who would have committed crimes anyway harder to identify.
“The big issue is you have both of those happening at the same time,” Fox said.
Scattered robberies involving suspects wearing medical-style face masks have been reported across the country.