
Friday, February 17, 2023

"INFLUENCERS, some of them HUMILIATED -- are now seeking to provide a SALVE for that sense of DISCOMFORT. And the powerful who DO NOT want to be DISPLACED over their FAILURE are interested in the SAME thing -- and the CONFLUENCE of those two things is a VERY powerful draw that is going pull people in IF we're not careful."


"A large audience of people were taken in by the CDC, the New York Times -- by all of the official outlets that were supposed to be doing the work of curating the information, seeking new data -- all of the things that were supposed to work to tell you what to think about Covid -- the failure of that thing resulted in a lot of people whose worst error was just simply to trust that the experts probably knew what the hell they were talking about.

Right? Those people got burned. Now, some of them got injured. Right? And some of them just got humiliated and hopefully they haven't been injured. But the point is you've got a large audience of people who got suckered by something and are now trying to figure out how to go back to living a normal life. And you've got a whole bunch of people who screwed up that don't want to be displaced over the fact that it is now evident that they do not know what they are doing. And those two things are now searching for a narrative in the middle. And that narrative in the middle is kind of a negotiation. Right? 

The powerful people don't really want to be vindicated. They can't be. They got it wrong. What they want is to be slapped on the wrist in a way that does not threaten their position of power. 

And the people who got suckered would like to be relieved of that sense of: 'Oh, there are no experts? That's a problem. How am I to live? Am I just going to wake up panicked every morning?' Right? They would like to be relieved of that. They would like not to feel so much like suckers. They would like to have somebody put into words the mechanism by which they followed what should have been true and reliable instincts and ended up in danger. Right? 

And so my claim is that there is now a struggle happening..."    --Bret Weinstein 


The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition

How long does it usually take to create a SAFE vaccine? Could COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the LONG-TERM?

FDA begins court-ordered release of thousands of pages on Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine data they wanted to hide for 75 years

FDA: IT'S OK - YOU'RE JUST A LAB RAT ANYWAY! Food And Drug Administration set to approve new Omicron booster jabs BEFORE ANY HUMAN TESTING is done

MAJOR BOMBSHELL! Must See! PFIZER Executive ADMITS to EU Parliament that the 'vaccine' WAS NOT TESTED BEFOREHAND to find out whether or not it STOPS TRANSMISSION of COVID-19: "Now this turned out to be a cheap lie. This should be exposed. SCANDALOUS...”

"JAW-DROPPING" Why is the CDC IGNORING the system designed to track ADVERSE EVENTS resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines? Have you noticed that even CORPORATE MEDIA is having a difficult time lately ignoring those INJURED AND KILLED BY THE VAX?

EXTREMELY DISTURBING UPDATE: After being exposed for IGNORING the VAERS system, CDC now reports latest official adverse reaction data for COVID-19 vaccines -- OVER 1.3 MILLION INJURIES and 30 THOUSAND DEATHS

New JAMA Study Reveals COVID-19 Vaccine mRNAs Found In Vaccinated Women’s Breast Milk

WHO'S RIGHT HERE? While the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark all have STOPPED RECOMMENDING mRNA vaccines to young people, the U.S. CDC has just UNANIMOUSLY voted to ADD IT to the list of REQUIRED VACCINATIONS for schoolchildren which MOST STATES will likely be compelled to follow

Former Australian Medical Association president DROPS MAJOR BOMBSHELL -- admits both she and her spouse suffered 'DEVASTATING' mRNA vaccine INJURIES -- exposes MEDICAL MAFIA SILENCING tactics: “Regulators of the medical profession have CENSORED public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with THREATS to doctors..."

So what's THE TRUTH regarding the massive spike in 'SUDDEN DEATHS' we are seeing over the past couple of years -- particularly amongst younger, otherwise very healthy people, including athletes

AFRICA: Despite having 1.2 BILLION people and ONLY 15% of her entire population vaccinated, the MOTHER CONTINENT is still one of THE LEAST affected places ON EARTH and now 'moving toward control' of COVID-19 even according to WHO

AFRICA: LOW Vaccination -- Covid OVER

Was the "success" of COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated in Africa?

EXTREMELY QUESTIONABLE 'PRIORITIES': Why is the W.H.O. so OBSESSED with getting AFRICA up to 70% jabbed with mRNA vaccines when they have THE LOWEST COVID DEATH RATE ON EARTH and DESPERATELY need CLEAN WATER, FOOD and BASIC MEDICAL supplies FAR MORE than ANYTHING else?