
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Sunday, December 25, 2022

THE THOMAS WHITFIELD COMPANY • He's Coming Back Again • 1978


🕊"The only way we can tell the season -- is by the burning of the tree..."🕊

LET'S GET BIBLICAL: Is Christmas really what most people think it is?


🕊NOTE: If this information is new to you, please understand -- this is about edification: not condemnation -- of those who seek to worship Messiah in Spirit and Truth...🕊

"Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts."

• Malachi 3:7 •

Friday, December 23, 2022

EXTREMELY QUESTIONABLE 'PRIORITIES': Why is the W.H.O. so OBSESSED with getting AFRICA up to 70% jabbed with mRNA vaccines when they have THE LOWEST COVID DEATH RATE ON EARTH and DESPERATELY need CLEAN WATER, FOOD and BASIC MEDICAL supplies FAR MORE than ANYTHING else?

(NOTE: The original 'age-restricted' video mentioned above can be viewed >here<)

"Basically, they don't see any Covid anymore. No one's getting vaccinated, not getting tested -- clinically, they are not seeing it in the hospitals. They are not seeing people come in with respiratory distress and other complications of Covid. The governments aren't even publishing guidelines anymore. The pandemic in large parts of Africa... IS OVER. So, I'm not quite sure why one would want to carry on vaccinating against a disease which is no longer there." 


The Infamous Censored Eleven Cartoons



Thursday, December 22, 2022

Chinese Cartels are Trafficking Africans to Neighbouring Country Myanmar as Slaves


State rescues Kenyans duped into fake jobs in Myanmar

Mary Wambui | NATION AFRICA 

What you need to know:

• The Foreign Ministry revealed that four others are still held at the Chinese factories where victims are smuggled upon arrival in Thailand.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Former Australian Medical Association president DROPS MAJOR BOMBSHELL -- admits both she and her spouse suffered 'DEVASTATING' mRNA vaccine INJURIES -- exposes MEDICAL MAFIA SILENCING tactics: “Regulators of the medical profession have CENSORED public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with THREATS to doctors..."


Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been ‘censored’

Dr. Kerryn Phelps has broken her silence about a “devastating” Covid vaccine injury, slamming regulators for “censoring” public discussion with “threats” to doctors.

Frank Chung | THE CHRONICLE 


Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

AFRICA MOVES TOWARDS CBDC'S: Nigeria Caps ATM Withdrawals at $45/Day To Push For Digital Currency


Are you ready for LAB-GROWN HUMANS? World's first ‘artificial womb facility’ claims it can 'grow' 30,000 babies each year


Scientist unveils prospect of human ‘factory’ growing thousands of babies a year

Harriet Brewis | INDY 100

A new video has offered an unsettling glimpse of the future, thanks to a concept that promises to “reinvent the evolution” of humankind.

EctoLife, the “world’s first artificial womb facility”, would grow 30,000 babies a year inside transparent pods designed to “replicate the exact conditions that exist inside the mother's uterus.”

Monday, December 12, 2022

The REAL reason behind China’s “Zero Covid” policy


Kit Knightly | OFF-GUARDIAN

Most of the Western world is no longer in lockdown, some vaccine mandates are being loosened, mask wearers are distinctly the minority everywhere you look.

For now at least, and for want of a better phrase, we have largely “gone back to normal”…except, you know, now with a totally broken economy, more centralised financial power, dozens of alarming precedents set up for future deployment and millions upon millions of people injected with poison under false pretences.

But on the lockdown front at least, we’re normal…mostly.

Lockdowns are quickly becoming one of those embarrassing things that were only ever supported by other people, like wearing flares or voting for Thatcher. Politicians are feverishly passing the buck back and forth, claiming to have never wanted lockdowns in the firstplace.

…but not in China.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Why Can't China Make Microchips?


EXTREMELY INSIGHTFUL! When the lack of a free market basically exposes you as being skilled only at intellectual property theft and cheap counterfeiting...👇

Friday, November 25, 2022

SHOCKING! (OR IS IT?) Washington Post reporting VACCINATED people now make up MAJORITY of Covid DEATHS in U.S.


For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, a majority of Americans dying from Covid were at least partially vaccinated, according to the new analysis of federal and state data.   

In a startling revelation, a Washington Post analysis has found that more vaccinated people are now dying of the Covid disease and 58 per cent of coronavirus deaths in August in the US "were people who were vaccinated or boosted".

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

LOST GENERATION? As technology dumbs them down and becomes a false god, ALARMING studies reveal atheism has DOUBLED amongst Gen Z -- while 42 PERCENT have been diagnosed with a MENTAL ILLNESS and 57 PERCENT of those are taking PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION for it


Atheism Doubles Among Generation Z

It may come as no surprise that the influence of Christianity in the United States is waning. Rates of church attendance, religious affiliation, belief in God, prayer and Bible-reading have been dropping for decades. Americans’ beliefs are becoming more post-Christian and, concurrently, religious identity is changing. Enter Generation Z: Born between 1999 and 2015, they are the first truly “post-Christian” generation.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

TWINKIE CLARK • Power • 1981


🕊'You say you got the Holy Ghost? You say you got the Holy Ghost... IF you got THAT Power, where is it? IF you got THAT Power, why not use it?'🕊

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Monday, November 7, 2022

DIRTY DOUBLE-STANDARDS: While KYRIE IRVING gets a boot in the ass, ALIBABA and AMAZON OLIGARCHS get a major pass

Kyrie Irving apologized. When will Joe Tsai?


Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving has apologized for his antisemitic episode. But Brooklyn Nets owner Joe Tsai remains an unrepentant Chinese Communist Party supporter and no one seems to care.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

WHO'S RIGHT HERE? While the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark all have STOPPED RECOMMENDING mRNA vaccines to young people, the U.S. CDC has just UNANIMOUSLY voted to ADD IT to the list of REQUIRED VACCINATIONS for schoolchildren which MOST STATES will likely be compelled to follow


CDC to add COVID Injection to Vaccine Schedule for Children despite knowing about shocking 8x increase in Excess Deaths among Children across Europe since EMA approved Jab for Kids

• The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is has announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will be added to the list of required childhood vaccines in the USA.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

ALARMING NEW STUDIES published in The Lancet, JAMA and BMJ all show evidence COVID-19 vaccines actually INCREASE infection risk


Vaccination Increases Infection Risk by 44%, Oxford Study Finds


People who received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine were 44% more likely to be infected, a study from Oxford University has found, contradicting the basis of global vaccine policy, which assumes vaccination significantly cuts incidence and transmission.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

No Black players expected in World Series, a 1st since 1950



Looking around Memorial Stadium before Game 1 of the 1983 World Series, Philadelphia Phillies star Gary Matthews saw a lot of Black talent.

Joe Morgan. Eddie Murray. Garry Maddox. Ken Singleton. Al Bumbry. Disco Dan Ford. And plenty more that night in Baltimore.

“There were quite a few of us,” Matthews recalled.

When fans watch the Houston Astros and Phillies line up this week to begin the Fall Classic, it will be a much different picture.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

NPR: 'Scientists debate how lethal COVID is. Some say it's now less risky than flu'



Has COVID-19 become no more dangerous than the flu for most people?

That's a question that scientists are debating as the country heads into a third pandemic winter. Early in the pandemic, COVID was estimated to be 10 times more lethal than the flu, fueling many people's fears.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

🤯INSANITY: Last major review of data published in JAMA just BEFORE the pandemic found the United States *WASTES* nearly ONE TRILLION dollars - or 25% - of its yearly healthcare spending: *MORE* than the ENTIRE ANNUAL DEFENSE BUDGET!

Wasted health care spending in the U.S. tops annual defense budget, study finds


Waste in the U.S. health care system ranges from $760 billion to $935 billion per year, or more than total annual federal defense spending, according to a new study.Administrative activities account for the largest source of needless spending, followed by inflated and opaque pricing."The prices of health care don't reflect what would happen in a competitive market," one expert says.

Monday, October 17, 2022

HEADS UP! Babylon and her sorcerers suddenly want to screen ALL CHILDREN and ADULTS for "anxiety and depression" -- and they SWEAR all day long their MOTIVE is PURE -- So, no need to worry AT ALL, folks -- I mean: GEE, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG HERE?


National Health Panel Wants Doctors to Screen All Children as Young as 8 for Depression, Anxiety Even With No Symptoms. Some Say It Could Lead to Drug Misuse.

Nyamekye Daniel | ATLANTA BLACK STAR

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has recommended that all children 8 and over be screened for anxiety disorder even if they don’t have symptoms, but other experts say the tests could lead to a spike in addiction to medications.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

💣MAJOR BOMBSHELL! Must See! PFIZER Executive ADMITS to EU Parliament that the 'vaccine' WAS NOT TESTED BEFOREHAND to find out whether or not it STOPS TRANSMISSION of COVID-19: "Now this turned out to be a cheap lie. This should be exposed. SCANDALOUS...”🤯




In a stunning turn of events, one of Pfizer’s top executives admitted Monday that the Pharma giant had no idea if the mRNA vaccine that Pfizer developed would prevent transmission of the coronavirus.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Can you name ANY 'civilization' EVER that has been AGAINST FREE SPEECH and still ended up being on the proverbial 'RIGHT side of history'?


New Zealand P.M. Jacinda Ardern Peddles Government Censorship to an International Audience

The world’s politicians offer a friendly reception to attacks on free speech.


With her luster dimming at home, New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is trying out her professional scold routine in front of a world audience, perhaps preparing for a role at some international body. Key to that shift is her belief that this whole free speech thing is a menace, and something should be done about it, preferably around the globe. As it turns out, she has a whole pro-censorship project ready to go for a career reboot after electoral politics.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

SMOKE-SCREEN POLITICS! Biden Administration APPEARS to be 'progressive' by pardoning several thousand FEDERAL charges for 'simple possession' of cannabis - while IN REALITY - NOT ONE PERSON will be released from prison because of it!


Biden announces pardons for thousands convicted of federal marijuana possession

His move before the midterms comes closer to keeping a 2020 campaign promise.

Alexandra Hutzler and Justin Gomez | ABC NEWS 

President Joe Biden on Thursday announced he's pardoning all Americans who've been convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law, coming closer to keeping a 2020 campaign promise to try to get the drug decriminalized a little more than a month before the midterm election.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

50 million people stuck in ‘modern slavery’: UN


Geneva (AFP) – Fifty million people around the world are trapped in forced labour or forced marriage, the UN said Monday, warning that their ranks had swelled dramatically in recent years.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

New JAMA Study Reveals COVID-19 Vaccine mRNAs Found In Vaccinated Women’s Breast Milk



Small levels of mRNAs from COVID-19 vaccines were found in women’s breastmilk in a new, small study published Tuesday in JAMA Pediatrics, a specialized journal affiliated with the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

REPORT: Black people in the U.S. are SEVEN TIMES more likely to be falsely convicted of a serious crime like murder than white people


Marquise Francis | YAHOO NEWS 

Black people in the U.S. are seven times more likely to be falsely convicted of a serious crime like murder than white people, according to a new report published Tuesday by the National Registry of Exonerations. The finding is based on an analysis of exonerations for serious crimes in the U.S. over the last four decades, which found that Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Bill Gates' Insidious 'Green Revolution' Has Totally Failed Africa and IT’S LONG PAST TIME HE BACKS OFF THE MOTHER LAND!!!


Gates-funded ‘green revolution’ in Africa has failed, critics say     


When philanthropists spend vast sums of money on a project, jubilation and high expectations ensue. But money doesn’t necessarily produce results.

A case study, according to critics, is the push for a “green revolution” in Africa, which has spent $1 billion to date, much of it from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Monday, September 5, 2022

If a CHILD gets monkeypox, shouldn't some ADULT at least be INVESTIGATED and even possibly going to JAIL? According to the latest research (even being reported by NBC now), we really MUST answer this question HONESTLY


Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests

The claim that skin-to-skin contact during sex between men, not intercourse itself, drives most monkeypox transmission is likely backward, a growing group of experts say.  

Benjamin Ryan | NBC NEWS 

Since the outset of the global monkeypox outbreak in May, public health and infectious disease experts have told the public that the virus is largely transmitting through skin-to-skin contact, in particular during sex between men. 

Now, however, an expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself — both anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex, these experts say, is probably much less of a risk factor.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Who Owns More Land: Bill Gates, McDonald's or The Catholic Church?


If you are concerned about environmental change, global warming and climate change, this massive player has been flying under the radar.

Dan Budzyn | BENZINGA

Land is the investment of choice for moguls. Bill Gates has invested heavily in farmland. People have said for years that McDonald’s Corp is actually a real estate company that sells food. You might not have realized that the Catholic Church owns lots of real estate. Which of these billion-dollar entities owns more of what might be considered the most precious commodity on earth — land? Benzinga did the research, and the results might surprise you.

Friday, September 2, 2022

VETERAN FDA and CDC VAX ADVISOR ADMITS: “Even if 100% of the population were vaccinated and the virus hadn’t evolved at all, vaccines would do very little to stop transmission.”


[Excerpt From]: Omicron booster shots are coming—with lots of questions

COVID-19 vaccines get their first update since the pandemic began. Here's what you need to know about them


If the benefits are limited, do we really need the new boosters?

Some scientists don’t think we do. Paul Offit, a vaccine researcher at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, was one of two members of FDA’s committee who voted against asking companies to make Omicron-specific boosters. Offit doesn’t dispute that the new vaccines will have some benefit but doubts it’s worth the additional resources. Current COVID-19 vaccines still prevent the most severe outcomes, Offit says, and if the goal is to stop infections, even updated vaccines will have little impact.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

MAJOR REPORT: Extreme Pandemic Policies Have Set U.S. Students’ Math And Reading Levels Back TWO DECADES -- Sadly, Yet Predictably, 'Black students saw a particularly sharp drop'


Math and reading scores plummet on national test, erasing 20 years of progress

Kalyn Belsha | CHALKBEAT

In a grim sign of the pandemic’s impact, math and reading scores for 9-year-olds across the U.S. plummeted between 2020 and 2022.

The declines erase decades of academic progress. In two years, reading scores on a key national test dropped more sharply than they have in over 30 years, and math scores fell for the first time since the test began in the early 1970s.