
Monday, December 19, 2022

Was the "success" of COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated in Africa?




AFRICA: Despite having 1.2 BILLION people and ONLY 15% of her entire population vaccinated, the MOTHER CONTINENT is still one of THE LEAST affected places ON EARTH and now 'moving toward control' of COVID-19 even according to WHO

AFRICA: LOW Vaccination -- Covid OVER

Major report reveals 90% of ALL coronavirus fatalities have occurred in countries where HALF of people are overweight

So -- where is all the ANGRY CONDEMNATION and demand for 'PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY' in the government, media and society for the fact that 78% of people hospitalized for severe COVID have been OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE and 40% of deaths had DIABETES?

Nearly TWO YEARS into the pandemic, CNBC (not NBC or MSNBC) FINALLY runs ONE story titled: "This is the ‘worst food ingredient for your immune system’—especially during Covid, says immunologist"