Kavontae Smalls | ATLANTA BLACK STAR
Communist activist and longtime University of California Santa Cruz professor Angela Davis recently learned to her disbelief that her ancestry traces back to America’s founding.
Kavontae Smalls | ATLANTA BLACK STAR
Communist activist and longtime University of California Santa Cruz professor Angela Davis recently learned to her disbelief that her ancestry traces back to America’s founding.
BUSTED: New York Times 1995 article cited climate ‘experts’ warning ‘most of the beaches on the East Coast of the U.S. could be gone in 25 years’
As the United Nations COP27 climate conference starts, we are faced with yet more predictions of doom, such as the recent UN threat published in The Guardian: UN chief warns ‘we will be doomed’ without historic climate pact.” This claim is false, as were the numerous similar claims made repeatedly in the past.
"It's not about dividing people -- it's about speaking about the truth..." ~BLAIR UNDERWOOD
☝REVEALING! Before everything went all Jerry Springer and got really mindless and contentious -- this old Donahue episode really shows how FAR we've strayed from exercising any semblance of TRULY FREE SPEECH with REAL CIVILITY on LEGITIMATELY DEBATABLE SUBJECTS in the public sphere. Can you imagine if this was suddenly introduced as the kind of topic and conversation on TV today, what the intolerant discourse and shrill outcry would be from a lot of people?🤔
"A large audience of people were taken in by the CDC, the New York Times -- by all of the official outlets that were supposed to be doing the work of curating the information, seeking new data -- all of the things that were supposed to work to tell you what to think about Covid -- the failure of that thing resulted in a lot of people whose worst error was just simply to trust that the experts probably knew what the hell they were talking about.
How SHAMEFUL it is that hardly anyone wants to BE HONEST and REALLY TALK about this thing that is SO OBVIOUS to most anyone not living in a permanent state of COVID PARANOIA and utterly neurotic MASK FETISHIZATION syndrome -- and even moreso PATHETIC that when one Googles "coronavirus masking increase in crime" right now, there are VERY FEW articles even written about this topic -- and the MAJORITY of those are only from the first year or so of the pandemic, after which this story has been almost completely IGNORED by the corporate media ever since...
A few weeks after five Memphis Police officers administered a fatal beating to Tyre Nichols on Jan. 7, 2023, rumors began circulating that there may have been a personal aspect to the case.
The Ancient Israelites Looked Like The Ancient Egyptians
Addison Sarter | MEDIUM
The Bible as well as ancient historians describe the Ancient Israelites as black. The bible uses the appearance of Ancient Egyptians, as a reference to what the Ancient Israelites looked like.
Anger grows in Turkey as earthquake death toll passes 20,000 and rescue hopes dwindle
🕊'Whosoever hath an👂to hear, let them hear...'🕊
Hey YOU! You DEFINITELY look like you need a BRAIN BREAK! Just text your doctor right from your desk at work: "Could you take a quick look at my BRAIN DATA? Anything to WORRY about?"
WOW! NO JOKE!! SERIOUSLY!!! It is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS yet (somehow) SADLY HILARIOUS that going on into THREE YEARS since this pandemic began -- as of today: February 2, 2023 -- if one enters just these two words: "africa coronavirus" into Google -- THE EXACT SAME ARTICLE that came up FIRST back in September 2020 and that I reposted on this very website at that time STILL comes up as the FIRST result to this VERY DAY.
☝📺 OK, not saying this is necessarily 100% true without more evidence -- BUT -- it nonetheless should be considered seriously. If you give a fair listen to the above video and just check even what facts can be verified at present, it sure would seem to answer a lot of important questions and simply make far more sense than the so-called 'official story' being (as usual) force fed to people by the Corporate Media...