
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

DECEITFUL! The MANNER IN WHICH the CORPORATE MEDIA is 'reporting' about the NASHVILLE SCHOOL SHOOTER story is nearly as HORRIFIC a story as the actual story itself


...if for no other reason than that by going out of their way to avoid even MENTIONING, let alone DISCUSSING the obvious facts and implications in this case, they will not at all help SOLVE this problem, but will only continue to inspire even more highly entitled and emboldened copycats which will make it WORSE...

What to do about all this "rage" from trans types


It sure seems as if there’s a consensus on one aspect of the trans community – they’re all ragey – gggrrrr. Mad and pissed off because things aren’t going their way.

They just stay mad and act out. Lately, it’s been kind of violently. And when they do something violent, the focus is not on them as perpetrators of violence – as evil-doers – it’s on either the reaction to their crime or instant excuse-making for their crime. Of course, all this before their crime vanishes from the public air space in short order.

Case in point, take the transgender gunman who was killed after seriously injuring a King County sheriff attempting to serve an eviction notice a smidge over a week ago.

The obviously distraught sheriff’s spokesperson was hectored because the department had “misgendered” the sumbitch in the heat of the engagement and the trauma of their fellow officer’s near-fatal shooting.

THAT became the story of the encounter – not the crime.

And…poof. That story vaporized along with so many others involving perpetrators from that community.

And yet, the “rage” is openly encouraged, celebrated even. At the beginning of the month, the Daily Wire broke the story that trans activists were planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” to stop the trans “genocide.” Although like everything they do, it was exaggerated. Their “day” was scheduled from Mar 31-Apr 2. Classic “fiery but peaceful” walk in the park in D.C. was being openly planned. No worries – just in front of SCOTUS, etc.

A group of transgender activists is planning a “Day of Vengeance” in Washington, D.C., for March 31-April 2 while raising money for firearms training this week, according to its online materials.

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) said on Twitter that “The time is now, enough is enough,” and uploaded posters to TikTok that said, “We want more than visibility. Trans Day of Vengeance. Stop trans genocide. Save the date: April 1st – 11:00 AM / March 31st – TBA.”

Their genocide claims are pretty pathetic and easily debunked as well, using FBI stats. Hurt feelings aren’t meant to be violently actionable, except in trans-world. Physically lashing out is now the accepted mode of response.

Their splinter groups were also calling for violence locally, which is typically what they all do. Glom onto the whacko theme of the moment, whip into a frenzy, and run with it. The problem with that is when someone is a whacko in a group that’s demonstrably unstable to begin with, and you feed them a call to action.

Terrible, tragic things can happen.

In Nashville, they did.

Are we going to be able to see everything this vile, unhinged piece of twisted excrement wrote before it slaughtered children and older ladies in a brave display of Social Justice Warrior crusading? If we do, will we find these constant exhortations to violence and unending claims of persecution and genocide were the trigger?

Or are the excuses/whatabouts – which are already flying and victim blaming…

…going to wipe this villainous act from the memory core by next week?

All the while, the mad, rage monkeys are allowed to continue agitating and spewing, unimpeded.

By the way, all of these “Day of Vengeance” groups have gone protected with their tweets, Instagram, and TikTok accounts.

Wonder why? What – scrutiny is suddenly uncomfortable?

What to do about it seems to be the sticking point. I was finishing up a post on that very sense of trans entitlement yesterday as news of the heartbreaking Nashville massacre broke. Excessive entitlement and what frauds the vast majority of the trans alphabet community – especially the radical activists – are. Entitled by their progressive enablers in the media, government, and society.

Sure, Teen Vogue and everyone else. Let them continue to act out. A female body going through puberty being artificially saturated with testosterone while already experiencing obvious mental instability? No worries and none of your business, society.


As I wrote, all I can think is THE FRAUDS. The adult trans community is doing none of the life-altering, irreversible surgery and hormones that they are manipulating children and idiot parents into believing they must have to survive, all the while feeding these same unstable, impressionable brains a constant diet of scary, apocalyptic scenarios.

It’s an unending assault on already fragile psyches.

Something’s got to come to a screeching halt. For starters, take away their free passes. I don’t know a single group outside of BLM that has carte blanche to disregard the law like the trans community. No more mosh pit – you go to jail if you attack speakers who don’t agree with you. You get hauled off the senate floor by two burly state troopers and spend a night in the cooler if you refuse to vacate your seat after speaking. The bathroom and locker rooms return to places where 12-year-old girls aren’t compelled to look at male dangly bits, and the male is the one who is yanked out and publicly disgraced.

Pronouns are biological, not what you picked that day because the sky was cloudy or you have a zit on your chin.

I’ll tell you what we can do about the rage – be over it. They can cool their frickin’ jets.

Stop indulging the deadly, insane children.

The REAL victim is...


A media narrative has developed on the Nashville shooting, and it is as you would expect.

The shooter was the real victim. Opponents of transgender ideology drove her to do it. 

What else can you expect?

Beege wrote a great piece on how transgender ideology advocates are now actively promoting violence against their opponents, and that is indisputable. As I wrote earlier, I don’t want to speculate publicly about the motives of the particular shooter in this case, because the motives are out there and will be revealed soon enough.

But I am perfectly willing to respond to the idiocy and bad faith of others who are promoting their own narrative, and I am sickened by their dishonest and evil spin on the events.

It’s baffling. Or, rather, it should be baffling, but in fact it is not.

The media went to great pains to ensure that the shooter was labeled a “woman” and not a man, despite the fact that she identified as one. They took a lot of flak for that from the transgender community and are still struggling to decide how to label her, including which pronouns to use.

The New York Times did a story on how rare female mass shooters are (which is very true), and can’t quite decide whether or not this particular shooting was committed by a man or a woman.

The news media has picked up the trans liberation movement’s narrative that laws banning the gender transition of minors inspired this act, basically justifying this act of violence as a political statement and even an act of self-defense.

Authorities have identified Monday’s victims as, from top left, William Kinney, Evelyn Dieckhaus, and Hallie Scruggs, and from bottom left, Cynthia Peak, Katherine Koonce, and Mike Hill.

Children were targeted for murder, and the trans community is the real victim. Because of course it is.

CNN analysts have taken a slightly different tack–they think we should just ignore the fact that the killer is trans, despite the fact that a spate of shootings in recent months have been committed by transgendered folks. As of now my suspicion that the killer’s transgender identity had something to do with the shooting hasn’t been confirmed, so I will make no connection as of yet. Because trans people are the ultimate victims the trans status has to be swept under the rug, as was the case in the Colorado Springs shooting.

The media is so obsessed with attacking The Daily Wire and all transgender ideology opponents that they feel free to tag them with the guilt for the shooting, despite the fact that it was not they, but a transgender-identifying person who did this. Matt Walsh keeps on insisting the obvious: if you are a man who thinks he is a woman then you have a mental illness. For this, the media vilifies him and blames him for the mental illness of a woman who thinks he is a man.

This is such an inversion of reality that it just might work. So many people are now invested in the sick notion that children should be sterilized and mutilated that they cannot consider that the opponents might have a point. No matter how many proofs there are that they are harming children and fostering mental illness, they will persist.

It’s just like the COVID fanatics who will die on the hill that lockdowns were a good idea, despite the obvious fact that is acknowledged by most people that they were a disaster. They cling to the mask mandates and engage in mental gymnastics that would make Nadia Cominichi twist in admiration.

The Trans Resistance Network insists that the shooter was a victim, and apparently, the media agrees. The death of these children and the shooter is the result of conservatives desperately trying to protect children.

This is the extent of their desperation to defend trans ideology.

There will likely be more violence by, rather than against trans people. Not because being trans makes one violent; there is literally no prior evidence for this as far as I am aware. The violence has coincided with extremist ideology. As the one grew, so did the other.

The media feeds this trend. As do our politicians. My own Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flannagan wore this shirt on the day that my Governor Walz signed his transgender kidnapping bill.

I am sure she meant that in a mostly peaceful way, but the fact is that violent rhetoric and ideological extremism have gone hand in hand with this movement.

NOTE: The above tweet was removed shortly after the publication of this article -- but we still have a screenshot so everyone can see what was clearly intended by the image and the words...


School shooting at elementary school in Nashville, six dead: Shooter identified, left behind a manifesto

What we know about the Nashville shooting victims

9-year-old pastor's daughter among Nashville school shooting victims: The head of school, a substitute teacher, a custodian and three 9-year-old children died after a heavily-armed former student opened fire inside a small Christian school in Nashville

Nashville shooter, who was ‘under doctor’s care for emotional disorder,’ used 3 guns, police say

Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale identified as transgender and had detailed manifesto to attack Christian academy

Nashville Officials Reveal Critical Info About Why Shooter Targeted School That Everyone Needs to Hear

Police chief tells NBC News a sense of ‘resentment’ may have fueled Nashville shooter’s attack at former school

Media Settles on “No Known Motive” Narrative Behind Transgender School Shooting

Biden jokes he doesn’t believe Christians were targeted in Nashville shooting if Sen. Hawley does

WHITE HOUSE: "Our hearts go out to the TRANS community, as THEY are under attack right now."

White House Press Sec. Says “It’s Not For Us to Decide” If Killing Christian Children Constitutes A ‘Hate Crime

Audrey Hale Manifesto Release Raises Major Concerns From LGBTQ+ Groups

LGBT groups are now actively trying to prevent the release of the trans terrorist manifesto. They don't want anyone to know how their rhetoric is radicalizing people. This is exactly why the manifesto must be released, and it must be released now.

The Nashville Killer's Manifesto Will Be Released. Other Murderers Give Us Clues About What It Will Say

A media narrative has developed on the Nashville shooting, and it is as you would expect: The shooter was the real victim. Opponents of transgender ideology drove her to do it. What else can you expect?

'Hate has consequences': Trans support group blames GOP 'anti-trans legislation' for Tennessee school shooting, calls Audrey Hale's death a 'TRAGEDY' and demands media call shooter 'he/him'

Media Loses Confidence in Preferred Pronouns After Transgender Shooter Attacks Christian School

CBS: don't mention Nashville killer's gender identity

CBS execs bar the word ‘transgender’ from reports on Nashville shooter: ‘This is not journalism

Trans radicals are upset that media is 'misgendering' by not using correct pronouns and 'deadnaming' Nashville murderer just by calling her Audrey Hale

The Nashville killings—which conservatives have speculated were specifically targeted at a Christian institution—came after Tennessee's Legislature had been working on legislation aimed at the transgender community, as well as increasing residents' ability to purchase firearms.

TN Governor signs anti-drag, anti-trans healthcare bills into law

‘Trans Radicals’ Plan ‘Day Of Vengeance’ In D.C. Alongside Firearms Training

Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse


'FACTS'?: Are Transgender Hate Crimes Really As Common As The Media Suggests These Days? Are They TOP OF THE LIST Like They Make It Seem? Let's Have A Look At HATE CRIME STATISTICS for the US DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE, Shall We?

WHY IS THE MEDIA MUM ON STORY ABOUT TRANSGENDER MONSTER WHO MURDERED INTERRACIAL FAMILY? "A white dude who slaughtered these three people brutally, is being protected by the media because he pulled the trump card that is: 'I call myself a woman'..."

So -- do YOU know? WHY do the politicians and media NEVER discuss THE REASON WHY these 'random' SCHOOL SHOOTINGS began to rise DRAMATICALLY in the 1990's -- or point out WHAT 'just coincidentally' IS the MOST COMMON FACTOR in 90% of these cases?

NO BASIS IN 'SCIENCE': Depression is NOT a 'chemical imbalance' of serotonin in the brain -- AND -- scientists have absolutely NO IDEA how antidepressants work, according to MAJOR review of DECADES of studies by University College London

LOST GENERATION? As technology dumbs them down and becomes a false god, ALARMING studies reveal atheism has DOUBLED amongst Gen Z -- while 42 PERCENT have been diagnosed with a MENTAL ILLNESS and 57 PERCENT of those are taking PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION for it

"Telling children at an early age that they can be a boy if they're a girl or vice versa -- an embellishing of fantasy, be it brought on by gender dysphoria or some other implement -- can only end in disaster." NANA AKUA on why the UK shutting down its largest 'gender identity' clinic should be a WAKE UP CALL about CHILDREN and TRANSGENDERISM

Are you OK with things like NY (and other) public schools spending over $200K to have DRAG QUEENS read stories to children as young as THREE?

MUST SEE! OUTRAGEOUSLY DEPRAVED MADNESS: This PRESCHOOL teacher is WAY TOO EXCITED to talk to her class of young schoolchildren about GENDER and GENITALIA

UHHH... ON SECOND THOUGHT! Transgender 'rights' group whines about Aretha Franklin's song ‘A Natural Woman’ being 'offensive' then makes dubious 'parody' claim AFTER viral blowback

AMALA EKPUNOBI • Unapologetic: Molecular Geneticist DROPS MIC on Trans Debate - Clip Goes Viral

ONE EXTREME OR THE OTHER ON THE SAME ISSUE: While UGANDA follows many other African countries and makes the LGBTQ lifestyle a CRIME punishable by IMPRISONMENT or DEATH, the U.S. is following the EU and Canada by making it a CRIME to 'MISGENDER' someone and not call them by their 'PREFERRED PRONOUN'

MATT WALSH • Gender Ideology Is Corrupting The West | REAL TALK WITH ZUBY

Must See! • ALTERNATIVE MATH • Short Film