🤔Some legit questions for the LGBTQ folks in 'the West'...❓
• If anti-LGBTQ views are as many have claimed to be -- exclusively a product of so-called 'Western', colonialist, white supremacist ideology -- then what is driving all these African countries with primarily black leadership to be FAR more intolerant and extreme than the West in their approach to your community?
• In light of the extreme laws Uganda and many other countries in Africa and around the world have regarding your "identity" and with a mind to the "solidarity" you surely would claim to have with what these people are suffering under such laws -- how can you seriously keep believing that people in your societies - most of whom may simply disagree with your views, but certainly don't hate you nor want to see you harmed in any way - nevertheless somehow still need to be labeled as "violent" and must have their language legislated just for supposedly "misgendering" you by not using your "preferred pronouns" or submitting to other such comparatively petty and overly entitled demands?
• Could it be possible that YOUR extreme behavior is feeding into -- and off of -- OTHER PEOPLE'S extreme behavior (such as the sort seen right now in Uganda) in regards to how different people think, feel and behave around this issue? In other words -- could you be OPPOSAMES?
Just asking! Hope y'all give these questions some serious consideration...
Uganda passes a law making it a crime to identify as LGBTQ
KAMPALA, March 21 (Reuters) - Uganda's parliament passed a law on Tuesday making it a crime to identify as LGBTQ, handing authorities broad powers to target gay Ugandans who already face legal discrimination and mob violence.
More than 30 African countries, including Uganda, already ban same-sex relations. The new law appears to be the first to outlaw merely identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ), according to rights group Human Rights Watch.
Supporters of the new law say it is needed to punish a broader array of LGBTQ activities, which they say threaten traditional values in the conservative and religious East African nation.
In addition to same-sex intercourse, the law bans promoting and abetting homosexuality as well as conspiracy to engage in homosexuality.
Violations under the law draw severe penalties, including death for so-called aggravated homosexuality and life in prison for gay sex. Aggravated homosexuality involves gay sex with people under the age of 18 or when the perpetrator is HIV positive, among other categories, according to the law.
"Our creator God is happy (about) what is happening ... I support the bill to protect the future of our children," lawmaker David Bahati said during debate on the bill.
"This is about the sovereignty of our nation, nobody should blackmail us, nobody should intimidate us."
The legislation will be sent to President Yoweri Museveni to be signed into law.
Frank Mugisha, a prominent Ugandan LGBTQ activist denounced the legislation as draconian.
"This law is very extreme and draconian ... it criminalises being an LGBTQ person, but also they are trying to erase the entire existence of any LGBTQ Ugandan," he said.
Museveni has not commented on the current proposal but he has long opposed LGBTQ rights and signed an anti-LGBTQ law in 2013 that Western countries condemned before a domestic court struck it down on procedural grounds.
In recent weeks, Uganda authorities have cracked down on LGBTQ people after religious leaders and politicians alleged students were being recruited into homosexuality in schools.
This month, authorities arrested a secondary school teacher in the eastern district of Jinja over accusations of "grooming of young girls into unnatural sex practices".
She was subsequently charged with gross indecency and is in prison awaiting trial.
The police said on Monday they had arrested six people accused of running a network that was "actively involved in the grooming of young boys into acts of sodomy".
LGBTQ Ugandans already suffer imprisonment, torture. Now they could face the death penalty
Uganda Lawmakers Pass Bill With Death Penalty for Gay People
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality bill: Life in prison for saying you're gay
Ugandan law criminalizes being LGBTQ amid crackdown on homosexuality
Uganda lawmakers passed some of the harshest anti-gay legislation in the world
"The reason that misgendering is 'an act of violence' against trans people, is it's the only way for trans activists to push out these legislations... but really, it's NOT about 'protection' -- it's about ENFORCING and FORCING others to use pronouns: basically -- bend the knee, or get put in JAIL..."