The Western world has been caught in a spiral of self-harm and debasement for the past three years. Aspects of the underlying psychology have been discussed in abstract terms, regarding mass anxiety and the actions of crowds. Little has been said on the possibility that we are simply terrified of death. This is a fear we may need to address, if we are to stop acting like fools.
Death was once part of life. A visit to an old cemetery will reveal that many earlier gravestones are memorials to young children and women of child-bearing age. This is because, obviously, a large proportion of children died before they turned five, and about one in ten (or more) women died in childbirth. Death happened, and people also travelled, had parties, went to concerts, and lived fulfilled lives.
In modern wealthy countries, better hygienic conditions, better food, antibiotics and surgery have largely removed the barriers to a long life. Elsewhere, people still face these threats. However, the average person in Africa or South Asia is not cowering under his or her bed, obsessing about the latest virus, terrified of going outdoors or of meeting neighbours. That is a modern, affluent population obsession. Recent lockdowns in African and Asian countries were mostly responding to external pressure from very wealthy individuals and institutions, or local grabs for increased authoritarian control, rather than genuine fear of a new and deadly threat.

Many in the West now reach adulthood without ever seeing someone die, or even seeing a dead body. Most have never experienced a friend dying, many have not even been to a funeral. Very few have sat with someone as they passed from life. Death is rarely talked about, and coping with a kin’s death is often left to the individual and the support of professional ‘experts’. Public mourning is unfamiliar, and can be an embarrassment. If we believe the lie that humans are merely organic constructs, then death may also be a terrifying blankness of nothing.
Enter COVID-19. At its height in the United States, despite financial incentives to boost reporting and definitions including a positive PCR test a month prior, Covid was associated with less annual mortality than cardiovascular disease or cancer. Our society responded by putting it front and centre of our lives, wrecking economies and livelihoods. We even used children as human shields, injecting them with novel pharmaceuticals in vain hope of protecting ourselves.
We can indulge in inquiries on the origins of COVID-19, and on the pros and cons of aspects of the response. We can call for Nuremberg II tribunals. We can debate the actual causes of increasing excess death. These are important discussions, but they are missing the point. We need an inquiry, particularly self-inquiry, on why we, or those around us, were open to being led by obviously self-interested people into deeply irrational actions.
Rather than relying on more government panels to tell us what went wrong – what others did to us – we need first to understand what is wrong with ourselves and our communities. This will involve familiarising ourselves with forgotten aspects of life, including death. We need to stop transferring mourning to the professionals, undo the taboos about the fact that life on earth ends for all of us, and bring it into conversation. Then we can start putting it into context, rather than running from the whole idea. That may help to face the difficult issues of what kills us more or less frequently, and how such risk stacks up against going out, seeing the world’s wonders, and sharing time and intimacy with those we love.

Understanding the reasons for society’s loss of grip during Covid matters, because the intent of those who profited from Covid is to do it all again. They are building an international bureaucracy whose sole purpose is to identify more ‘novel’ viruses, claim they are an existential threat, and repeat what we have just been through. Over and over again. This relies entirely on people believing the false premise that the threat of deadly pandemics is increasing, that they are killing more than before, and that they are an existential threat to all of us regardless of age and underlying health. We are not asked to fear the predominant causes of death, such as obesity; we are even encouraged to embrace that as beautiful. We are, rather, being asked to believe many obvious lies. We need to build understanding and resilience to withstand such manipulation.
Saving society from eating itself with fear and stupidity will rely on us educating ourselves. Society’s ‘experts’ are doing very well from pandemics, and have no incentive to provide such education. This will require each of us to find time. Time for discussion, time for self-reflection, and time for thought on what life actually is. We need to calmly sum up what is happening around us, and take the risk of exploring what it is that we really value. Then we can stop others from abusing our ignorance.
Pandemics are Not the Real Health Threat
Who’s Driving the Pandemic Express?
What the WHO Is Actually Proposing
Has governments’ fear-mongering left the public traumatised? Are we suffering from learned helplessness?
Five Lessons from Three Years of Authoritarianism
With ventilators running out, doctors say the machines are overused for Covid-19
WASHINGTON POST: Almost 90 percent of coronavirus patients on ventilators died in large U.S. study
Most COVID-19 Patients Placed on Ventilators Died, New York Study Shows
The Premature Use Of Mechanical Ventilation in the First Wave of the Covid Pandemic
Fauci Finally Admits Ventilators Actually HARMED Covid Patients
Almost A Death Sentence': How Doctors, Peers Are Rethinking Ventilators For Coronavirus: Health Officials Once Feared Ventilator Shortage. Now Some Facilities Try To Avoid Using Them
Covid-19 a Pandemic of Ventilator Deaths – What They Don’t Want You to Know
Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection
Canada’s ventilator supply soared to 27,000 during COVID-19 pandemic: By fall 2020 thousands of ventilators were set to be manufactured in response to multiple contracts that were awarded by the government in the spring. Some wonder if more effort instead should have been spent addressing what they consider a weakness in our health-care system -- that of staffing and space
New York spent $250M on ventilator tech to fight Covid that no one uses
Remdesivir early Covid treatment estimated to have killed 100,000 Americans
Report: FDA-approved remdesivir may have killed 100,000 Americans
Approximately 100,000 US covid-19 deaths could be attributed to renal failure caused by Remdesivir
Kidney disorders as serious adverse drug reactions of remdesivir in coronavirus disease 2019: a retrospective case–noncase study
Acute Kidney Injury Associated With Remdesivir: A Comprehensive Pharmacovigilance Analysis of COVID-19 Reports in FAERS
How did doctors and nurses who spent years studying so they could help people all of a sudden turn into ruthless sadists, presiding over enforced deaths? How did hospitals metastasize from places of healing into chambers of horror? According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), the answer is quite simple: money. The federal government incentivized this protocol with massive payouts to the hospitals. AAPS writes, “Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life.”
AAPS explains that two Covid emergency acts from the government created this catastrophic loss of life. The CARES Act, a $2 trillion stimulus package, was passed in 2020, purportedly to ease the financial impact of Covid on American families. It provided gigantic bonuses to hospitals to institute federal protocols on Covid, ensuring that Covid would be massively diagnosed and treated with deadly combinations of remdesivir, ventilators, and other lethal methods.
The U.S. government pays hospitals a 20% upcharge on the entire hospital bill when remdesivir is used... also pays hospitals a "bonus" on the entire hospital bill if they use remdesivir: "For remdesivir, studies show that 71% to 75% of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to 10 days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death. Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%."
Tony Fauci Knew That Remdesivir Would Kill You
So-called 'treatments' that KILLED untold numbers of people during the Spanish Flu of 1918 and made the death toll FAR higher than it would have been -- could the same kind of ignorant (or intetional?) dynamic been at play during COVID-19?
It is no wonder that so many people died in the influenza epidemic of 1918, but it wasn’t just because of influenza that they died, it may have also due of the overuse of aspirin and other fever-suppressing drugs of the day
Aspirin Misuse May Have Made 1918 Flu Pandemic Worse
Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence
America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies
The GREATEST lie told during covid - and the one they will undoubtedly try to tell again
Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying discuss 'the greatest lie told during covid'
Dying "from" or "with" COVID-19 during the Pandemic: Medico-Legal Issues According to a Population Perspective
‘Died from’ or ‘died with’ COVID-19? We need a transparent approach to counting coronavirus deaths
Are dying with COVID-19 and dying from COVID-19 the same thing? In Oregon, they are
CDC Director Walensky fails to disclose how many deaths were 'from' COVID-19: 'Data will be forthcoming'
Covid-19 deaths are now being recorded in the UK if the person dies within 60 days of receiving a positive test. Even if the person is killed in a car accident they are added to the Covid death statistics. The public are being conned into thinking there are over one thousand deaths a day due to Covid when that just simply isn’t true.
Is a patient hospitalized ‘with’ covid or ‘for’ covid? It can be hard to tell
The Truth About COVID-19 Death Certificates|In the beginning days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Scott Jenson recalls an email he received from the Department of Health with a link to the CDC that advised him they were going to adjust the way death certificates were completed
CDC director criticized for now differentiating between dying 'from’ vs. dying 'with' COVID-19
Counting Covid’s Deceptive Deaths: A look at the unorthodox way in which Covid-19 deaths are registered shows the numbers don’t add up.
Twenty Times the CDC Exaggerated the Threat From Covid With False Data
Many CDC Blunders Exaggerated Severity Of COVID-19: Study -- In mid-2021, for instance, the CDC claimed that 4 percent of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 were kids. The actual percentage was 0.04 percent. The CDC eventually corrected the misinformation, months after being alerted to the issue
Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention During the COVID-19 Pandemic
With every new study, with every new paper, the “deadly” pandemic gets less and less, well, deadly. The most recent data review, published by Stanford in late March, puts the infection fatality ratio (IFR) at 0.15%. That is, once again, pretty much the same as a normal flu season.
One could easily do the arithmetic, so why were no PERCENTAGES published? What is the death rate? The case fatality rate in Los Angeles County, where I live, from January 2020 to March 10, 2023 per the County Department of Public Health was 0.96%. In California per the California Department of Public Health it was 0.9%. This is based on confirmed COVID cases.
Reconciling estimates of global spread and infection fatality rates of COVID-19: An overview of systematic evaluations • European Journal of Clinical Investigation - Volume 51, Issue 5 - May 2021
IT WAS ALL A LIE: NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic
We are overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations. That’s a problem
CNN analyst slammed after writing COVID deaths are being overcounted: ‘TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATE’
Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45: 'A national emergency' -- More adults between 18 and 45 died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020 than COVID-19, motor vehicle accidents, cancer and suicide
Was Covid19 a re-branded flu?
In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season
The Unexpected Case of the Disappearing Flu: Some endemic respiratory viruses on hiatus during the 2020–21 season
US - 2021: Where did the flu go? The reasons for this surprising flu season — the lowest in decades — aren't completely understood
The U.S. saw about 600 deaths from influenza during the 2020–2021 flu season. In comparison, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated there were roughly 22,000 deaths in the prior season and 34,000 two seasons ago.
2023: Influenza A cases EXPLODE in China and resemble the new coronavirus -- According to data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on March 11th, the number of Influenza A patients nationwide grew by 60 times in 28 days. That is, in the 28 days from February 5 to March 5, the positive rate of influenza virus jumped from 0.7% to 41.6%, a nearly 60-fold increase
The REAL story behind RSV & the so-called “tripledemic”
AUSTRALIA: The flu nearly disappeared during the pandemic. Now, cases are soaring -- In the first two months of 2022, there were 79 flu cases recorded in Australia. In the same period this year, there are now 8,453.
No Liberty? No Problem: Australians shrug at their government’s draconian pandemic response
Propaganda, Misinformation, & A Lack Of Trust Across The Board: They could save themselves if they wanted to. They really could. But that doesn't appear to be happening.
The Covid industry is ramping up for another season of mandates, distancing, and vaccine TYRANNY
Face masks –Medical Protection, or Badge of Obedience?
DR. SUNEEL DHAND front line physician throughout the pandemic talks with JOHN CAMPBELL MD about lessons learned after three years working with COVID-19
Covid Truths: Logic, Reasoning and Scientific Evidence have Disappeared
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Russell L. Blaylock MD - Surg Neurol Int. 2022; 13: 167.
2020: Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate From 20% to 2% is a quite a drop. What’s going on?
Guardian uses misleading data to imply COVID worse than Spanish Flu: Further to her piece about Wikipedia’s misleading revisions of its Spanish Flu page Catte reveals the Graun up to the same thing
The 1968-69 “Hong Kong Flu” Pandemic Revisited
Coronavirus — Global Brief: Why We Never Talked About The Hong Kong Flu - The 1968 pandemic was the first spread by mass air travel on its way to a toll of 1 million dead. Yet somehow it has been largely ignored by history, even if its lessons raise many questions for the COVID-19 world
How a 'filthy' Woodstock still went ahead during 1968 Hong Kong flu pandemic that killed 100,000 Americans and infected everyone from President Lyndon Johnson to the the Apollo 8 crew
The Forgotten Hong Kong Flu Pandemic of 1968 Has Lessons for Today
How the world responded to the forgotten 1968 pandemic: The so-called Hong Kong flu is estimated to have killed up to four million, and the contrast with today's Covid measures is stark
Why American life went on as normal during the killer pandemic of 1969
Half a century ago stoic Britons battle a similar health crisis without any lockdown: Worldwide response to Asian flu was similar in many ways to Covid-19, except people went to work and lockdown was prevented
How the news media played DOWN the pandemics of yore, from Spanish flu to Swine flu: Before the explosion of SOCIAL media, pandemic news was more sedate
Deafening Silences: propaganda through censorship, smearing and coercion -- Dr. Piers Robinson
How The Milgram Experiment Showed That Everyday People Could Commit Monstrous Acts
The Milgram Experiment: How Far Will You Go to Obey an Order?
The women who defied the Milgram Experiment
Dictators at WHO aim to begin installing a One World Government under the guise of Global Health Security
Amendments to IHR will enable totalitarianism on a global scale
Names & Faces of 150 Bilderbergers who controlled COVID Pandemic response
ZUBY: The Last 3 Years Was NOT About A Pandemic: "There ARE bad people - that's human beings."
It’s the trust in the authority, stupid!
Bureaucratic Doublespeak Gets People Killed
A Contagion of Cowardice
Bonfire of the Covid Vanities
Do You Matter?
Coronamania and the End of the World
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: Why is it that most people I ask have never even heard of 'THE GREAT RESET'?
BYE-BYE NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY! CHINA and BILL GATES led WHO continue to advance GLOBAL “pandemic treaty” set to go into effect in 2024
EXPOSED! “We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain...” UK officials discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant to push lockdown, WhatsApp messages show
MORE PROOF OF A LAB LEAK? BIOWEAPON? Scientists discover the COVID-19 virus contains a tiny chunk of DNA that EXACTLY matches a sequence PATENTED by Moderna THREE YEARS BEFORE the pandemic even started
DISTURBING survey of BLUE PILL VOTERS reveals roughly HALF currently support FINES, INTERNMENT CAMPS and PRISON for the UNVACCINATED
COMING SOON TO YOUR STATE? California Is Being Destroyed -- Unthinkably Bad Laws Being Rushed Through Legislature Without Most People Even Realizing What The Hell Is Happening
"That is the STRUCTURAL RACISM that we SUPPOSEDLY are trying to solve! This bill is going to insert that BACK INTO society."
DIRECTOR of COVID AT UCSF: "It feels like CHILDREN have been an afterthought in terms of our Covid policy. The number of kids who committed SUICIDE in 2020 in California was OVER 130. The number of kids who died from COVID during that year was around TEN."
MAJOR REPORT: Extreme Pandemic Policies Have Set U.S. Students’ Math And Reading Levels Back TWO DECADES -- Sadly, Yet Predictably, 'Black students saw a particularly sharp drop'
It's 'Alarming': Children Are Severely Behind in Reading
I am done with masks. We've been idiotic about them since the beginning.
Of ALL The Reasons For The Alarming Rise In Crime Since The Pandemic Began, What Is Most Likely THE BIGGEST Factor Is HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. So why can't most people even see it?
FDA: IT'S OK - YOU'RE JUST A LAB RAT ANYWAY! Food And Drug Administration set to approve new Omicron booster jabs BEFORE ANY HUMAN TESTING is done
"INFLUENCERS, some of them HUMILIATED -- are now seeking to provide a SALVE for that sense of DISCOMFORT. And the powerful who DO NOT want to be DISPLACED over their FAILURE are interested in the SAME thing -- and the CONFLUENCE of those two things is a VERY powerful draw that is going pull people in IF we're not careful."
"YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE IT!" Former UK Prime Minister TONY BLAIR pushes hard for introduction of DIGITAL ID's at WEF DAVOS 2023: “In the end, you need the data: you need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been."
The SATANIC GLOBAL ELITE are warning mankind that a 'CYBER-PANDEMIC' is coming which will make Covid-19 seem like a 'small disturbance' -- but don't worry -- they're sure you're going to love your DIGITAL ENSLAVEMENT when they END PRIVACY and roll out the CBDC's and VACCINE PASSPORTS to 'solve' the problem
WOULD YOU TRADE YOUR HEAVENLY INHERITANCE FOR DIGITAL ENSLAVEMENT? Is the SLAVE MASTER finally deciding to pay 'REPARATIONS' only because he knows the DOLLAR is just about DONE and the CASHLESS SOCIETY they're about to implement will keep YOU and almost EVERYONE in the WORLD who doesn’t reject it in PERPETUAL BONDAGE?
The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition