
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

What did elite pedo-pimp JEFFERY EPSTEIN mean when he referred to CHILDREN in AFRICA as, "Fertile ground for EXPERIMENTATION"?


"They're targeting children in developed countries, while at the same time claiming like they care about the Global South and the developing world and creating this disturbing, transhumanist, neocolonialist paradigm -- essentially Epstein was recruiting kids to work in a coding sweatshop from schools in the Virgin Islands... 

There's a lot more going on here, and the fact that he was guiding the philanthropic activity, for example -- of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -- which does a huge amount of work in Africa, as well as also in this same 'education space' that's aimed at making remote learning permanent, tele-education, wearables in education -- these are all things that are still going on even after Epstein is gone.

 This is just a microcosm into a larger group of people who are masquerading as philanthropists -- but really they're building a digital prison and they're piloting it out right now on vulnerable kids -- mainly BLACK kids in Africa and the Caribbean."  

-- Whitney Webb