UNREAL! This poor, sweet, INNOCENT special needs girl was just trying to call her female teacher "Miss" because she says that's how she was raised -- to call people in society "Ma'am" or "Miss" or "Sir" -- to show RESPECT for them -- just as has been done for CENTURIES in our society... but here we go again -- the TransMafia flips out -- and somehow SHE’S the one who is being punished and forced to 'explain herself' to these relentlessly CRUEL, CULTIST, CLOWNS!
AMALA EKPUNOBI • Unapologetic: Molecular Geneticist DROPS MIC on Trans Debate - Clip Goes Viral
Watch! MAN ASKS STUDENTS AT UCLA: "If You Can Choose Your GENDER... Can You Choose Your RACE?"
Who Are the RICH, WHITE MEN Institutionalizing TRANSGENDER Ideology?
MATT WALSH • Gender Ideology Is Corrupting The West | REAL TALK WITH ZUBY
Must See! • ALTERNATIVE MATH • Short Film
The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition