
Friday, May 12, 2023

Watch! MAN ASKS COLLEGE STUDENTS: "If You Can Choose Your GENDER... Can You Choose Your RACE?"

 If you answered that you can't "choose" EITHER -- well, CONGRATULATIONS -- you still acknowledge that there is a thing called REALITY!


"Telling children at an early age that they can be a boy if they're a girl or vice versa -- an embellishing of fantasy, be it brought on by gender dysphoria or some other implement -- can only end in disaster." NANA AKUA on why the UK shutting down its largest 'gender identity' clinic should be a WAKE UP CALL about CHILDREN and TRANSGENDERISM

Who Are the RICH, WHITE MEN Institutionalizing TRANSGENDER Ideology?

MUST SEE! OUTRAGEOUSLY DEPRAVED MADNESS: This PRESCHOOL teacher is WAY TOO EXCITED to talk to her class of young schoolchildren about GENDER and GENITALIA

LOST GENERATION? As technology dumbs them down and becomes a false god, ALARMING studies reveal atheism has DOUBLED amongst Gen Z -- while 42 PERCENT have been diagnosed with a MENTAL ILLNESS and 57 PERCENT of those are taking PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION for it

Are you OK with things like NY (and other) public schools spending over $200K to have DRAG QUEENS read stories to children as young as THREE?

'No basis in SCIENCE or DATA -- just IDEOLOGY: Critics slam Harvard children's hospital for claiming babies KNOW in the WOMB if they're transgender

AMALA EKPUNOBI • Unapologetic: Molecular Geneticist DROPS MIC on Trans Debate - Clip Goes Viral

UHHH... ON SECOND THOUGHT! Transgender 'rights' group whines about Aretha Franklin's song ‘A Natural Woman’ being 'offensive' then makes dubious 'parody' claim AFTER viral blowback

'FACTS'?: Are Transgender Hate Crimes Really As Common As The Media Suggests These Days? Are They TOP OF THE LIST Like They Make It Seem? Let's Have A Look At HATE CRIME STATISTICS for the US DEPARTMENT of JUSTICE, Shall We?

WHY IS THE MEDIA MUM ON STORY ABOUT TRANSGENDER MONSTER WHO MURDERED INTERRACIAL FAMILY? "A white dude who slaughtered these three people brutally, is being protected by the media because he pulled the trump card that is: 'I call myself a woman'...

DECEITFUL! The MANNER IN WHICH the CORPORATE MEDIA is 'reporting' about the NASHVILLE SCHOOL SHOOTER story is nearly as HORRIFIC a story as the actual story itself

ONE EXTREME OR THE OTHER ON THE SAME ISSUE: While UGANDA follows many other African countries and makes the LGBTQ lifestyle a CRIME punishable by IMPRISONMENT or DEATH, the U.S. is following the EU and Canada by making it a CRIME to 'MISGENDER' someone and not call them by their 'PREFERRED PRONOUN'

MATT WALSH • Gender Ideology Is Corrupting The West | REAL TALK WITH ZUBY

Must See! • ALTERNATIVE MATH • Short Film

The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition