
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

New W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty that ALL nations will soon be bound to ***DELETES*** the phrase: "The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons" - WHY IS THAT?


☝GLOBAL FASCISM ALERT! -- This is about an INTERNATIONAL treaty that ALL nations are being coerced into having to soon abide by with complete disregard for national or individual sovereignty and human rights. In this very revealing video, yet more of their nefarious intentions are expertly broken down and made plain once again by Dr. JOHN CAMPBELL. Be sure to pay close attention around the 5:20 mark: Did you see THIS on the mainstream news? Did we vote for THIS? 

Does ANY of THIS even sound AT ALL right to YOU?



Can you name ANY 'civilization' EVER that has been AGAINST FREE SPEECH and still ended up being on the proverbial 'RIGHT side of history'?

TWITTER FILES: Is your "democracy" CENSORING people and HIDING critical information?

Is YOUR "faith" in the... "EXPERT CLASS"? Understanding CENSORSHIP and manufacturing the great "DISINFORMATION" panic

"I'm looking at a population that looks like it was TRAINED *not* to ask the right questions..." OUTSTANDING discussion on the nature of CONSPIRACIES and our society’s response them

The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition