
Friday, June 23, 2023

TITANIC SUB HORROR: Is this tragedy a prime example of why 'DIVERSITY, EQUITY and INCLUSION' (DEI) efforts may be WELL-INTENDED and SOUND good at first, but can have CATASTROPHIC real-world consequences when RIGHT JUDGMENT is abandoned to attain them?


"Racism is racism and stupidity is stupidity."

🕊A QUESTION FOR THOSE WHO QUESTION THIS: Will you only wait until this sort of thing affects YOU in some way to see this as a VERY teachable moment?🕊 


"It's one of those things where -- a lack of regulation and this being a private company that seemed to be taking shortcuts, I think is probably a part of the issue. 

And it doesn't help that there is now audio of the CEO, Stockton Rush basically saying that he didn't want to hire any experienced 50 year-old white guys... 

The IRONY here in regards to this submarine going wrong really is kinda crazy... 

THAT'S DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION, guys! People may ask questions about -- 'WHY do I rail against FORCED diversity and inclusion' ...

 THIS EXACT situation is WHY.

THIS is WHY you don't hire people who are less experienced for a job because of their skin color, because they have a vagina or because they may or may not like their genitalia or who they like to sleep with. You DON'T hire people because of that stuff. 

And THIS RIGHT HERE is exactly why.

It's because the 50 year-old experienced white guy -- if you had a whole team full of them -- I would bet money that this probably would not have happened...

You can't afford to hire less experienced people -- you need the most experienced people POSSIBLE. I don't give a DAMN about the RACE. I don't give a DAMN if they're WHITE. I don't give a DAMN if they're OLD or they're MEN. 

I don't give a DAMN about that.

If I'm the CEO and I want to start a company, where I'm taking people to the bottom of the ocean, and their lives are in my hands, I'm hiring the most experienced guys I can. If that's a team of 50 year-old white guys, I DON’T CARE. Give me all the 50 year-old ex-military, experienced white guys, because DAMMIT, I'm gonna make sure that the tourists -- the people who paid $250k to go on this trip -- are going to come back ALIVE.

Again -- if that means I have to hire a bunch of people that are all the same -- they all look the same - they're all from the same back ground -- 


And the IRONY is... that those 50 year-old, ex-military, experienced white guys that this guy didn't want to hire... THEY’RE THE ONES THAT ARE OUT THERE LOOKING FOR HIM, right? 

THEY'RE the ones who are out there now risking THEIR lives..."

☝This whole video is extremely enlightening on the UN & NGO driven push for the Equity-Social-Governance (ESG) - Corporate Equality Index (CEI) agenda on corporations and businesses in a broader sense -- and (@ around 12:00) a good breakdown of exactly how Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) fits into this structure.