
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

"So, now that it's 2023, and even the die-hard Covidians have largely stopped taking their boosters, what's a poor pharmaceutical company to do? Well, what you do is you get in bed with the E.U. and the W.H.O... and you go into AFRICA."


"I would also point out that this would also fit a long pattern of DESTROYING THE CONTROL GROUP so that in the future we are not able to deduce what actually happened to us. The idea that there was a continent with a LOW vaccination rate and we might be able to look at all of the NEW PATHOLOGIES and PATTERNS that emerge and say: 'Interesting that they also appear to be at a MUCH LOWER frequency IN AFRICA. 

So -- how DIABOLICAL would you have to be -- if this was CONSCIOUSLY on anyone's mind: the idea that there were PATTERNS OF HARM that would be detectable if AFRICA functioned as something of a CONTROL GROUP or contained enough people to compile a retrospective CONTROL GROUP - and you actually decided to harm THEM too so that that was IMPOSSIBLE? You'd have to be PRETTY DARN DIABOLICAL."      

--Bret Weinstein--


FAILING TO RECOGNIZE THE PATTERNS: "Once upon a time, before we were born, doctors were scientists..."

SEEN! Simple search on Google right now of just the TWO WORDS "africa coronavirus" simultaneously VALIDATES what afro-p reported to you about the situation way back in 2020 and yet also EXPOSES how CENSORED, WEAK and MISLEADING their search results STILL are on highly debated topics

AFRICA: Despite having 1.2 BILLION people and ONLY 15% of her entire population vaccinated, the MOTHER CONTINENT is still one of THE LEAST affected places ON EARTH and now 'moving toward control' of COVID-19 even according to WHO

AFRICA: LOW Vaccination -- Covid OVER

Was the "success" of COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated in Africa?