"I would also point out that this would also fit a long pattern of DESTROYING THE CONTROL GROUP so that in the future we are not able to deduce what actually happened to us. The idea that there was a continent with a LOW vaccination rate and we might be able to look at all of the NEW PATHOLOGIES and PATTERNS that emerge and say: 'Interesting that they also appear to be at a MUCH LOWER frequency IN AFRICA.
So -- how DIABOLICAL would you have to be -- if this was CONSCIOUSLY on anyone's mind: the idea that there were PATTERNS OF HARM that would be detectable if AFRICA functioned as something of a CONTROL GROUP or contained enough people to compile a retrospective CONTROL GROUP - and you actually decided to harm THEM too so that that was IMPOSSIBLE? You'd have to be PRETTY DARN DIABOLICAL."
--Bret Weinstein--