
Thursday, June 8, 2023

FAILING TO RECOGNIZE THE PATTERNS: "Once upon a time, before we were born, doctors were scientists..."


"The point I would make is -- once upon a time, before we were born, doctors were scientists. They had fewer tools, but what they had was a whole lot of experience.
 And even -- I want to bring attention to the house call -- which has now effectively gone extinct. The house call allowed a doctor who didn't have a huge range of pharmacological agents or tools at his disposal... the ability to OBSERVE PATTERNS... that ability to OBSERVE PATTERNS was part of a SCIENTIFIC MINDSET, that -- my impression, having interacted with doctors over my lifetime -- is that that mindset has basically dwindled...

My sense is that doctors have been 'demoted'. Forcibly 'demoted' from the position of scientific clinician... to technician -- and the point is, you're really delivering a pre-packaged good, more than you are coming to understand your patient and what they're sick with, and what they therefore need. And it's a travesty."

-Bret Weinstein-