
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

HYPOCRISY and COWARDICE EXPOSED! BIG MEDIA and key BILL GATES partner and vax fanatic PHARMA SHILL doctor proudly boasts he's a "JUNKFOOD-AHOLIC" while MAKING LAME EXCUSES and RUNNING SCARED from intense pressure to DEBATE RFK JR. on 'THE SCIENCE'

Joe Rogan gets Dr. Peter Hotez to expose how scientists avoid the importance of a healthy diet and nutrition by focusing almost exclusively on medication and pharmaceuticals

FLASHBACK: Nearly TWO YEARS into the pandemic, CNBC (not NBC or MSNBC) FINALLY runs ONE story titled: "This is the ‘worst food ingredient for your immune system’—especially during Covid, says immunologist"

Major Twitter influencers pledge over a MILLION dollars to charity for Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr on Joe Rogan

The combined total of all who have committed exceeds more than $1.5 million.

Katie Daviscourt | THE POST MILLENNIAL 

Major influencers on Twitter are throwing down the cash and have pledged to donate more than one million dollars to charity if Dr. Peter Hotez takes Joe Rogan's offer to debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about covid-19 vaccines on his world-renowned podcast. 

The challenge came on Saturday when Dr. Peter Hotez, who according to his Twitter bio is a professor of pediatrics as well as a "vaccine scientist," took aim at famous podcaster Joe Rogan and his recent episode which featured a discussion on the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines with 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Dr. Hotez took to Twitter to call out both Rogan and RFK Jr. for supposedly spreading "misinformation" about the Covid-19 vaccines, resulting in a series of heated exchanges on the social media platform. As a result, Rogan publicly challenged Dr. Hotez to appear on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, to debate the mRNA gene therapy vaccines with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and pledged that he would donate $100,000 to the charity of his choice.

"Peter, if you claim what RFKjr is saying is “misinformation” I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit," Rogan said to Dr. Hotez.
Dr. Hotez responded to Rogan and rejected his offer saying, "Joe, you have my cell, my email, I’m always willing to speak with you."

The famous podcaster and comedian took a disliking to Dr. Hotez's response and fired back, "This is a non answer. I challenged you publicly because you publicly quote tweeted and agreed with that dogsh*t vice article. If you’re really serious about what you stand for, you now have a massive opportunity for a debate that will reach the largest audience a discussion like this has ever had. If you think someone else is better qualified, suggest that person."
Rogan's public call-out made waves on Twitter, with Elon Musk adding his two cents, and now major influencers on Twitter have committed to donating to a charity of Dr. Hotez's choice if he accepts Rogan's offer. These influencers pledging huge piles of cash include journalists, media pundits, athletes, businessmen, and social media influencers.
However, these names are just a small fraction of those pledging to donate to charity and the combined total of all who have committed exceeds more than $1.5 million, according to @TheChiefNerd, who has been tracking the commitments.

As of Sunday afternoon, Dr. Peter Hotez has not yet accepted Rogan's offer.
Some have confronted Hotez in public and asked why he will not agree to the debate.



FAILING TO RECOGNIZE THE PATTERNS: "Once upon a time, before we were born, doctors were scientists..."

AFRICA: Despite having 1.2 BILLION people and ONLY 15% of her entire population vaccinated, the MOTHER CONTINENT is still one of THE LEAST affected places ON EARTH and now 'moving toward control' of COVID-19 even according to WHO

AFRICA: LOW Vaccination -- Covid OVER

Was the "success" of COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated in Africa?

"So, now that it's 2023, and even the die-hard Covidians have largely stopped taking their boosters, what's a poor pharmaceutical company to do? Well, what you do is you get in bed with the E.U. and the W.H.O... and you go into AFRICA."