
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

What did elite pedo-pimp JEFFERY EPSTEIN mean when he referred to CHILDREN in AFRICA as, "Fertile ground for EXPERIMENTATION"?


"They're targeting children in developed countries, while at the same time claiming like they care about the Global South and the developing world and creating this disturbing, transhumanist, neocolonialist paradigm -- essentially Epstein was recruiting kids to work in a coding sweatshop from schools in the Virgin Islands... 

There's a lot more going on here, and the fact that he was guiding the philanthropic activity, for example -- of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -- which does a huge amount of work in Africa, as well as also in this same 'education space' that's aimed at making remote learning permanent, tele-education, wearables in education -- these are all things that are still going on even after Epstein is gone.

 This is just a microcosm into a larger group of people who are masquerading as philanthropists -- but really they're building a digital prison and they're piloting it out right now on vulnerable kids -- mainly BLACK kids in Africa and the Caribbean."  

-- Whitney Webb

Saturday, May 20, 2023

HIGHLY UNUSUAL & MYSTERIOUS: Why does a stained glass window on a 150 year old New England church depict Christ and His disciples as BLACK?

Stained glass window shows Jesus Christ with dark skin, stirring questions about race in New England


WARREN, R.I. (AP) — A nearly 150-year-old stained-glass church window that depicts a dark-skinned Jesus Christ interacting with women in New Testament scenes has stirred up questions about race, Rhode Island’s role in the slave trade and the place of women in 19th century New England society.

Thursday, May 18, 2023



☝💥BOOM! This is so incredibly courageous and brilliant -- and pay close attention to what the school board says back to him -- they completely EXPOSE THEMSELVES for being the MASSIVE SOULED-OUT HYPOCRITES we all they suspected they are...🔥

Early on during the pandemic, STANFORD MEDICAL researchers developed A TEST which detected that asymptomatic positive COVID cases are infectious in about ONLY FOUR PERCENT of people: So WHY did the WHO, CDC, FAUCI and all the other public health 'authorities' just IGNORE it and NEVER PUT IT TO GOOD USE?


The Most Important Test You’ve Never Heard Of

In May 2020, Stanford scientists developed a test that could have altered the course of the pandemic response. It was never rolled out.


In spring 2020 the public was bombarded with a message that would soon permanently embed itself into the national consciousness: people without Covid symptoms could unknowingly be infected and—more importantly—transmit the virus to others. This was the justification given by Anthony Fauci in the first week of April 2020 for his 180 on community mask recommendations. “A lot of people who were asymptomatic” were spreading infection, he said, so everyone should wear a mask. A chorus of public health professionals, including Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the FDA, made the same argument. As did the CDC. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



"Feminists say patriarchy when they mean 'immutable sex differences I don’t like'..."  

--Mary Harrington--

Full discussion

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

New W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty that ALL nations will soon be bound to ***DELETES*** the phrase: "The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons" - WHY IS THAT?


☝GLOBAL FASCISM ALERT! -- This is about an INTERNATIONAL treaty that ALL nations are being coerced into having to soon abide by with complete disregard for national or individual sovereignty and human rights. In this very revealing video, yet more of their nefarious intentions are expertly broken down and made plain once again by Dr. JOHN CAMPBELL. Be sure to pay close attention around the 5:20 mark: Did you see THIS on the mainstream news? Did we vote for THIS? 

Does ANY of THIS even sound AT ALL right to YOU?

Monday, May 15, 2023

TRANSFASCIST INSANITY! Special Needs Student PUNISHED By School For 'Misgendering' Teacher And Refusing To Change Clothes For Physical Ed With Biological Males In Girls Locker Room


UNREAL! This poor, sweet, INNOCENT special needs girl was just trying to call her female teacher "Miss" because she says that's how she was raised -- to call people in society "Ma'am" or "Miss" or "Sir" -- to show RESPECT for them -- just as has been done for CENTURIES in our society... but here we go again -- the TransMafia flips out -- and somehow SHE’S the one who is being punished and forced to 'explain herself' to these relentlessly CRUEL, CULTIST, CLOWNS! 


"If you're gonna help anyone, help the current Black homeless first" - South Side Chicago Residents Are FURIOUS About Illegals Getting Favor And Resources From The Hood And SLAM Far-Left Activists Pushing For Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote


Chicago residents speak out against city helping migrants over them

Kasey Chronis | FOX 32 CHICAGO

CHICAGO - Cities across the United States are bracing for an influx of migrants as Title 42 expired at 11:59 p.m. EST Thursday.

From coast to coast, many of those cities are finding that they don't have the resources to handle the demand — including Chicago, where the migrant crisis has resulted in both support and pushback.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Is it possible that the main reason we have an ever-increasing "MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS" in modern society is because the REAL PROBLEM does NOT even originate in THE BRAIN to begin with - but is actually instead an issue of THE HEART?


The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

“Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart.” – Words of Jesus Christ recorded in the Bible.


Those of us who have been educated in Western Culture today have been taught to believe that the center of a person’s consciousness and thoughts is our brain.

Like a computer that contains a microprocessor that allows the computer to accomplish all of its various tasks, the idea that a human being also works like a computer with a brain that functions like a microprocessor, is something that almost all people raised in Western Culture assume is a fact.

But it is not a fact. It is a belief system.

Friday, May 12, 2023

"Commercial conquest is far more thorough and final than military defeat": DEEP INSIGHTS on post-industrial SPECIALIZATION and WHY so much 'work' in our modern world seems almost MEANINGLESS and leaves people feeling EMPTY


“The fact is however, that this is probably the most unhappy average citizen in the history of the world. He has not the power to provide himself with anything but money. And his money is inflating like a balloon and drifting away, subject to historical circumstances and the power of other people.” 

--Wendell Barry, The Unsettling of America 1977--

Watch! MAN ASKS COLLEGE STUDENTS: "If You Can Choose Your GENDER... Can You Choose Your RACE?"

 If you answered that you can't "choose" EITHER -- well, CONGRATULATIONS -- you still acknowledge that there is a thing called REALITY!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

"I'm looking at a population that looks like it was TRAINED *not* to ask the right questions..." OUTSTANDING discussion on the nature of CONSPIRACIES and our society’s response them



"Those who conspire at a sophisticated level have learned certain tricks. One of them is that you release REAL information fused with GARBAGE. And what this does is it produces an experience which is near universal, where people who begin to follow one of these rabbit holes because there's something REAL to be discovered, embrace some piece of GARBAGE, they get burned... and embrace a position that, 'conspiracies aren't worth worrying about'... Which is very destructive because of course, it FOSTERS conspiracy - it creates a CLOAK for it - in which it can operate... almost in plain sight..."    --Bret Weinstein 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Yet MORE PROOF for why we should AVOID over reliance on BIG TECH and NOT let them hijack the economy to push a FULLY CASHLESS SOCIETY: More customers say 'tap-to-pay' charged their credit card through bags, pockets


More customers say 'tap-to-pay' charged their credit card through bags, pockets

Renee Koury and Michael Finney | ABC NEWS

SAN FRANCISCO -- Many viewers have responded to a report by San Francisco's KGO-TV about a woman whose credit card was charged without her knowing it. Turns out the "tap-to-pay" terminal at Safeway had reached inside her purse and charged her credit card by mistake.