
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

L👀K! THE REAL THING!! Incredibly Inspiring Couple Celebrate 79 YEARS OF MARRIAGE!!!

Union City couple celebrating 79 years of marriage

By Jesse Gary | KTVU

UNION CITY, Calif. - A remarkable milestone was met on Monday as Oree and Lena McRae of Union City commemorate their 79th wedding anniversary. 

"We're Here, We're Queer, WE'RE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN!!!" • Memorable Moments You CAN'T UNSEE -- From 'PRIDE' Month 2023

☝📺 Let us take careful note of the fact that YouTube has decided that there is somehow no hypocrisy in AGE-RESTRICTING the above video of LGBTQ events wherein there are NO AGE-RESTRICTIONS and countless YOUNG CHILDREN are present! 📺☝

‘We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Coming for Your Children’: 6 Scenes From NYC Pride Events

Gigi De La Torre / Elise McCue | THE DAILY SIGNAL 

New York City held its 53rd Pride parade Sunday.

Here are some of the scenes from that parade and related events shared on social media.

Monday, June 26, 2023

DAVID MURRAY • Morning Song • 1983



WICKEDLY STUPID 'INTELLIGENCE': My Conversation with ChatGPT on Death Rates



The threat posed by Artificial Intelligence has increasingly dominated mainstream TV and radio talk shows in recent weeks. Warnings first hit the headlines at the end of last year, when ChatGPT gained more than a million users less than a week after its launch. Concern at that point focused mainly on ChatGPT’s ability to mimic human responses, instantly churning out answers to exam questions, university essays, and even news stories – threatening to make exam results meaningless and put millions on the dole.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

"Who Authorized this? Who told you that YOU are GOD? Who gave YOU permission to tell our children who they are and who they're supposed to be? This is INTENTIONAL and EVIL at its core." 



HYPOCRISY and COWARDICE EXPOSED! BIG MEDIA and key BILL GATES partner and vax fanatic PHARMA SHILL doctor proudly boasts he's a "JUNKFOOD-AHOLIC" while MAKING LAME EXCUSES and RUNNING SCARED from intense pressure to DEBATE RFK JR. on 'THE SCIENCE'

Joe Rogan gets Dr. Peter Hotez to expose how scientists avoid the importance of a healthy diet and nutrition by focusing almost exclusively on medication and pharmaceuticals

FLASHBACK: Nearly TWO YEARS into the pandemic, CNBC (not NBC or MSNBC) FINALLY runs ONE story titled: "This is the ‘worst food ingredient for your immune system’—especially during Covid, says immunologist"

Major Twitter influencers pledge over a MILLION dollars to charity for Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr on Joe Rogan

The combined total of all who have committed exceeds more than $1.5 million.

Katie Daviscourt | THE POST MILLENNIAL 

Major influencers on Twitter are throwing down the cash and have pledged to donate more than one million dollars to charity if Dr. Peter Hotez takes Joe Rogan's offer to debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about covid-19 vaccines on his world-renowned podcast. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

WATCH: "You are ABSOLUTELY mocking when you put Jesus on a cross and you POLE DANCE on Him..." - BOLD CHRISTIAN WOMAN calls out LAME EXCUSES and HYPOCRISY of Drag Nun's BLASPHEMY directly to his RIDICULOUS face


'BBBBBBUT! C'mon lady - dontchya know? LGBTQ+ people are PERFECT and SINLESS! We are all ABOVE CRITICISM and NEVER do ANYTHING wrong! EVER! 

The NWO MEDIA and GLOBAL TECHNOFASCISTS even tell us all the time that we're right about EVERYYYYYYTHING, so you better just ACCEPT IT and GET WITH THE PROGRAM, honey!'

Thursday, June 15, 2023

BOOTLICKING ON BIG BROTHER! Astonishing Cato Survey reveals nearly THIRTY PERCENT of GEN Z would support “the government installing surveillance cameras in EVERY household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity”


Nearly 30% of people under 30 support government surveillance cameras in every home: poll


‘Young people seem more willing to prioritize safety over ensuring robust freedom’

Roughly three in 10 Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity,” according to the results of a new Cato Institute survey.

ZUBY: "What's the point of having so-called 'freedom of speech' if you cannot use it?"



Tuesday, June 13, 2023

"So, now that it's 2023, and even the die-hard Covidians have largely stopped taking their boosters, what's a poor pharmaceutical company to do? Well, what you do is you get in bed with the E.U. and the W.H.O... and you go into AFRICA."


"I would also point out that this would also fit a long pattern of DESTROYING THE CONTROL GROUP so that in the future we are not able to deduce what actually happened to us. The idea that there was a continent with a LOW vaccination rate and we might be able to look at all of the NEW PATHOLOGIES and PATTERNS that emerge and say: 'Interesting that they also appear to be at a MUCH LOWER frequency IN AFRICA. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

LET US BRAINWASH AND SEXUALIZE YOUR KIDS OR WE'LL KIDNAP THEM! Proposed CA bill would brand parents 'abusive' and let social workers take youngsters into care if they refuse to 'affirm' their transgender children's identity


• Assembly Bill 957 would classify not affirming a child's gender as 'abuse' 

• State Rep. Lori Wilson said affirming a child's gender is 'in their best interest 

• Parents could lose custody of their child if they do not affirm their gender


A proposed amendment to a bill in California would classify parents who refuse to affirm their child's gender as abusive and could result in revoked custody.

TAUGHT TO HATE AND KILL: Video CHINA doesn't want the world to see -- XENOPHOBIC and MILITARISTIC indoctrination and training of young children in CCP PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Hmmm.... Why isn't THIS on every corporate news channel with the obligatory panels of talking heads warning us of the youth of an entire communist superpower country ready to commit mass hate crimes and hyper-militant gun violence upon us?

Friday, June 9, 2023

"Look how FAR FORWARD they're pushing THIS BEFORE they push the BLACK RACE thing... how many HUNDREDS of years we were saying 'we were put into slavery' and all that. But all of a sudden, this small minority's kicking up a stink -- within the last, what -- TEN years they've been coming on?" 


🕊🔥💥MAMA SAID: "The percentage of transgender people - they just make up a minority of the world. Why are we giving them so many 'rights'? You, earlier on - you mentioned it's the same as race. Look how far forward they're pushing this before they push the Black Race thing. Before the freedom of it. Look how far - how many hundreds of years we were saying 'you put us into slavery' and all that. But all of a sudden, this small minority's kicking up stink -- within the last, what -- ten years they've been coming on? And everybody's getting confused and you're going towards that..."💥🔥🕊

Thursday, June 8, 2023

What kind of critical insights can be discovered by asking ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to make jokes about JESUS and MUHAMMAD?

 ☝For all their hyping and yapping about it lately -- here's some key things about A.I. that you can be sure the globalist media will NEVER voluntarily inform people about...

FAILING TO RECOGNIZE THE PATTERNS: "Once upon a time, before we were born, doctors were scientists..."


"The point I would make is -- once upon a time, before we were born, doctors were scientists. They had fewer tools, but what they had was a whole lot of experience.

Friday, June 2, 2023

OK, be HONEST -- When was the last time you heard a REAL in-depth discussion and debate by a TRUE BLACK INTELLECTUAL ROUNDTABLE?


🕊🕯Can you imagine EVER hearing a panel discussion and debate this thorough and lengthy with such an outstanding array of diverse black intellectual viewpoints on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, PBS or ANY of the souled-out CORPORATE MEDIA? Basically, that would happen whenever N E V E R comes!🕯🕊